chapter 1; Home Sweet Home

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~The Salvatore Sister~

Home sweet home.

I let out a slight, cold chuckle as I thought of the many possible reactions that would come from my two brother's. Imagining what their expressions would look like when I walked through the doors of the old boarding house gave me a thrill of amusement.

For all I know, I'm dead to them.

How ironic.

Glancing over to the side of the road I recognized the familiar sign ''Welcome to Mystic Falls'' placed off to the side. The grip on my steering wheel became tighter as I sped past it, my knuckles turning a shade of white.
The sign itself brought back so many memories I had encountered here when I was still human. Although the memories were old and mostly forgotten, it was still something I never enjoyed when they crossed my mind.

Although I knew the main reason I came back was for revenge, I couldn't ignore the feeling hidden deeply away that there was another reason; one I was too afraid to admit. Perhaps it was the memories that were crawling at the back of my mind, or maybe I just wanted to have a bit more excitement in my life other than killing innocents and partying. Either way, I was prepared for the abundant change.

Being aware that it wasn't the best idea to see my brothers feeling blood thirsty, I decided to drive around town to find a decent place to feed on someone. I had no idea how they'd react, but just in case they attacked, I'd be at full strength. I examined my old town, realizing how much everything had drastically changed. It almost felt as if this wasn't Mystic Falls at all. All the moments that I had once experienced here had completely vanished and crept into the dark, haunting graves.

A few more minutes of driving around, I discovered what resembled a town bar. I smirked as I strolled through the swinging doors of the bar, taking a wide look around. There were quite a few people from teenagers to elders, which was something I didn't mind, for it only gave me a bigger selection to choose from.

I detected a teenage girl sitting all alone in the corner, reading what I perceived as an old book. I grinned to myself, glad that I'd finally have a drink after many long and boring hours of driving. Before I started to move towards her, I noticed something I wish I hadn't. The book she had her fingers wrapped around so firmly as though it'd fly away, wasn't just any normal book that a teenager would read, but a book that belonged to magic.

I altered my opinion and decided to locate a different person to feed on, knowing I did not want to get on a witch's bad side this early in my return.

Taking another look around the place, I noticed there was a guy who appeared to be younger than myself, sitting near me and eyeing me suspiciously. I took in his features as I imagined myself ripping his throat out. He had long dark-brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He was wearing a tight shirt that flaunted his muscles, evident that he was strong but clearly nothing comparable to a vampires. I smiled to myself, sauntering over to him with ease.

''Do you need something?" I asked looking baffled, pretending as if I hadn't been staring at him as well.

''No, sorry, you just look very familiar," He said, as he stared at me carefully.

''Really? That's odd since it's my first time visiting this small town,'' I laughed. His eyes narrowed at my statement, trying to piece together any information he could get by gazing at me.

"Are you visiting family?"

My thoughts scattered around as I thought about whether I should tell the truth. I decided it would be fine since the boy would be dead soon.

''Damon and Stefan Salvatore. You know them?" I asked, as his brown eyes stared back at my own particular blue ones. The names felt foreign as I said them out loud for the first time in years. I didn't miss the dread that flickered across his face for a mere second.

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