Chapter 6; Full Moon

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~The Salvatore Sister~

Full moon.

I grabbed a tight grip on Rebekah's wrist before walking off with her to the front of the house. Before I could pull her any further, she stopped me as she gave me a confused expression.

''Where exactly are we going?''

''I am not spending another minute in the same house as Klaus.'' And with that, we walked away from the Mikaelson mansion into the pitch dark not knowing where we would exactly end up.


Somehow, we ended up in front of the Mystic grill. I decided it would be a great idea to have a few drinks to diminish my thoughts. But, as usual, a few drinks led to numerous of drinks. Out of anger at Klaus, we killed two people, draining them of their blood. We were being idiotic on the worst night of the month, the night of a full moon. I had never gotten on a werewolf's bad side. I have always kept my distance from them because of the damage they could do. It gave me chills at the thought of encountering one on a full moon knowing they have no way to control themselves.

I got up from my seat on the stool, giving Rebekah a wide grin. ''I'm bored, let's go find some humans to feed on,'' I said with excitement. Rebekah scowled at my statement. "What? Does Rebekah Mikaelson seriously not want to have some fun with her best friend?'' I said, tilting my head and giving her a questioning look.

''I would love to, maybe if it were another night. But, as I'm aware it's a full moon. I'm able to survive a werewolf bite, unlike you,'' She said, as she scanned the outside area through the windows.

''We can fight them off. One snap to the neck and they're gone."

Before she could respond a deep growl was heard from outside. I looked at her before looking back at the door.

"Don't," She said, as she looked at me with concern.

"They want to fight. I'll give them a fight."

"Ashley," Rebekah warned.

I didn't listen as I was already past the doors and outside. I felt myself fill with fear as I stared back at three black wolves. Before I could even make a move towards any one of them, Rebekah jumped before me and pounced at the largest one. I watched in shock as the other two joined in. Relief washed over me as I heard the noise of bones cracking and whimpering following after it. This angered the other two wolves, making one turn towards me and jump directly at me. I felt myself hit the ground aggressively. Quickly, I threw the wolf off of me, making it hit one of the Grills windows. Glass flew in many different angles, a few flying towards me. I covered my face before they could reach me. Seeing my chance, I promptly got up from the ground and sped my way over to the werewolf that had flung itself at me. Not hesitating, I swiftly took its neck and snapped it. I turned around to see if Rebekah needed any help with the last one, only to be engulfed again.

"Stupid wolf," I growled, as I pushed it off of me with all the strength I had. Unfortunately, the werewolf was stronger, making it only fall back a few metres. For the last time, the werewolf had pounced towards me, toppling on top of me. It was too quick for me to react to the sudden movement, this giving the werewolf an advantage. As it dug it's sharp paws into my skin, I let out a scream of agony. With the strength I had left, I tried pushing the wolf off of me, but as I felt it rip more of my skin I couldn't help but scream even louder. My vision began to prickle on the sides. I stopped struggling, realizing that I had just got bitten by a werewolf. It was no use to keep fighting, for my death was soon to follow. To my surprise the werewolf had gotten off of me. From the corner of my eye, I watched the werewolf run into the dark, disappearing completely. I let out an agonizing scream as I felt my arm start to burn. The burn quickly crept through my body. In seconds, I was withering in pain, wishing I had just stayed at the party. My vision began to blur as the only thing I could make out was blonde hair. Rebekah spoke, but I couldn't understand a word as my ears began to ring. I let out a whimper in defeat. I did not want to die. Black dots started prickling at the edges of my vision and soon enough I was devoured by the dark.


Rebekah lifted up Ashley off the cold, hard ground and sped off into the direction of the Mikaelson mansion. There was only one way to save Ashley, and Rebekah knew exactly of what she had to do. She knew Ashley despised Klaus at the moment, but she had no choice. When Rebekah finally reached the house, the party was already over and everybody had gone. She could feel the presence of Klaus in the living room and she knew he wasn't going to open the door for her. She let out a sigh before kicking down the large, wooden door. Klaus whipped his head around at the noise and as soon as he saw an unconscious Ashley in her arms, he sped right up to her with an angry look plastered on his face.

''What the hell did you do to her,'' He growled, putting his hands into fists.

''Like I would lay a hand on her, it was these idiotic werewolves,'' Rebekah growled at Klaus.

''And you couldnt have saved her, sister?'' He said, raising his voice with every word that left his mouth.

Klaus didn't wait for a response from Rebekah. Grabbing Ashley from her arms, he sped over to the living room couch. Gently placing Ashley down, he bit down on his wrist and wasted no time by shoving his wrist into her mouth. Once he knew she had enough of his blood, he turned back around to Rebekah.

''Take her back to the Salvatore's house and explain to them what happened. Tell her brothers she's fine and make sure this will never happen again. I don't want her this close to death once more.''

''You really do love her as family, don't you?'' Rebekah said, smiling at Klaus.

Klaus looked down at the floor to hide his face.

''I never stopped caring. She is like family to me,'' he said.


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