Sightly Buised And Broken.

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By the time I got to the front of my house, I could already feel the red metallic tasting substance in my mouth.

With shaky legs, I walked over to my mailbox. Putting one hand on top of it for support, I leaned over, and spat the red liquid onto the pavement

After I felt I was rid of the nasty taste, I grabbed my board and went inside.

My house was a defining silence. No mom, no dad. Just how I like it. Actually, that's a lie. I hate being alone, but it's better than having to explain myself.

Without thinking twice, I made my way up to the bathroom, I stripped from my shirt, and peeled off my skinnies.

I turned the shower to as hot a it could go, and stepped inside

You're probably wondering why I'm taking two showers in one day, well its because I find showers comforting. It's like a big warm hug, and that's what I need the most right now.

Leaning against the cool tiled wall, I slid down to the ground and hugged my knees as the warm steamy water poured down on my broken body

I just cried.

I cried because I felt sorry for myself.

I cried because of how lonely I was.

I cried because no one cared.

The shower eventually started to get cold, and my tears stopped flowing,  so I decided it was time to get out.

I wrapped a towel around my waist and headed into my room.

Just as I began to get dressed, the doorbell sounded.

The digital clock sitting on my nightstand read 4:31

My eyes frantically searched through my drawers to find something to wear. I decided on baggie sweatpants and a loosely fitting Blink 182 shirt.

The obnoxious chime sounded once again, stating that whoever was ringing it was becoming impatient. 

I didn't bother with my hair, so I ran to the stairs, and slid down the railing, skillfully landing in front of the big white door, like I've done many times in the past.

My stomach did flip flops as I reached for the golden handle. I placed my hand on top of it, and twisted the piece of metal slowly. I finally opened the door, but not to fast, in fear of seeming eager, and pathetic.

I was greeted by a tall, slender man, that looked like he was in his early twenties, late teens. He had black hair with blond streaks, reminding me of a skunk. Dark brown eyes that seemed to never end, and a heart warming smile, that succeeded in making my lips curl upwards as well. 

"Hi," he spoke first. "I'm Mr. Barakat, nice to meet you!" The dark haired man beamed, extending his right hand.

His voice was deeper than I thought it would be, which caught me off guard

I copied his previous actions, taking his hand in mine, and shook.

"Yeah, you too. I'm Alex by the way." I smiled, but this time it was a real, genuine smile. Not some happy face I put on all the time. Happiness just radiated off this guy. I liked it.

I stepped aside, with my back pressed against the open door, motioning him to come in.

He gladly accepted my offer, and brushed past me.

"Rad place you got here." He said looking around

"It's not much. If you ask me, it's a little small."

"It's bigger than my apartment."

unsure of how to respond, I just smiled.

"Soooo, where do you wanna play?" He questioned, as he continued to observe my house.  

"I was thinking my room, if that's okay with you?"

 He spun around so he was facing me

"Lead the way!" He grinned.


I pushed open the door to the room I've known ever since I was born.

Luckily, it wasn't dirty, and actually surprisingly clean for me.

I walked over to the far right of my room, picked up the love of my life, and plugged her into my amp.

 Realizing Mr. Barakat was going to need a place to sit, I grabbed my desk chair, and pulled it closer to my equipment. He quickly took a seat, and smiled at me.

I plopped down on the far end of my bed, so my legs were hanging off the edge. I cradled my guitar in my arms, until I was in a comfortable position.

"So, do you know anything about guitar, or are just starting from scratch?" He spoke, as he unzipped his guitar case, that I've just noticed now, revealing a shiny Ibanez acoustic.

"I've been playing since I was about eleven, so I do know some stuff, but not a lot about tablature."

"You'll learn quick, I can tell." He shrugged "Can you play any songs?"

"Yeah, I can play First Date, Going Away To College, and All The Small Things by Blink; Holiday By Green Day, and My Friends Over You by New Found Glory." I smiled proudly. Playing guitar is just about the only thing I'm actually proud of.

"For someone that says they can't read tab very well, it sounds like you're selling yourself short. Anyways, enough talk, lets get to the jamming."


I know I know, its taking me like 5 million years to actually get to the part where the two of they finally jam together, but I will be continuing Alex's lesson next chapter.

My chapters haven't been getting a lot of votes, so please guys id rather you vote than comment, but don't get me wrong I definitely do love reading what you guys have to say, but I would like some votes!

P.S, Make sure to tell you mom Happy Mothers Day!

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2014 ⏰

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