Corly Man Cliff- 1

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Curling my toes off the edge of the rocks I peered over to see the water violently smash against the sharp boulders below. Wind flourishing through my hair, a warning trying to push me back to safety. Gulls shrieking off Corly Man Cliff waiting for me to jump. Salty water lingered in the air mixed with minuscule grains of sand which caught your eyes. Wiping my face I looked out on to the horizon and an array of boats and ships alike waiting for my arrival. Deep breath in of the salty fresh air, one foot inches closer to my downfall with hesitation; the other remains firmly where it is.

Considering how many tears I've shed, how many times I'd planned this moment... I don't feel ready. Would you? To give it all up and be lost like a single drop of water in vast ocean? I thought I was.

Shut up! There's no turning back, you don't know who and who hasn't check their mail; who has and hasn't read my insensitive goodbye. If I turn away now they'll think me to be desperate, an attention seeker who cannot meet the mark as someone greater. Then again... aren't those the same people who drove me to insanity?

Yes they are.

If I don't... they'll be there. They won't be different no matter how many times they have claimed to have changed. Change isn't over night. Change is a gradual process of a determined, directional thought of which drives you to do something different; the issue there is... they lack determination.

Lifting my foot no more than a centimetre from the grass, I drag it to the edge. Clamping my eyes shut, scrunching them up and trying to take away my self doubt. Slowly lifting myself on to the balls of my feet I lean cautiously forward...

Only to rock back again, petrified of everything; the living and the dying...

"Are you going to jump or what, some of us are waiting over here."

Rapidly turning around, jumping at the unexpected voice, I didn't think anyone would be here to gaze upon my misery much longer.

However he wasn't here to spectate, he wasn't here to die, he wasn't here to taught me, from his get up he looks like he is going, "Cliff-diving?"

A black and blue classic wetsuit that clung close the to his chest and a duffle bag in his hand he looked at me and laughed, "Congratulations Sherlock, do you want a medal?"

Startled by his uncalled for rudeness I scowled at him and looked over my shoulder.

Grey, dull clouds rolled meeting the ocean and the setting sun kissed the horizon. Luminous shades of soft pinks and tangy oranges blended in with the grey creating a picture of much beauty. I smiled. I smiled at how the scene differed from only minutes ago, I smiled at the sudden beauty.

"You here for the view smiley pie?" He asked with his arms crossed, his head cocked and a confused grin across his tan face, "Or-"

"For the view," I abruptly interrupted with an unusual soft tone of voice, "Isn't it amazing?" In a sense I didn't lie. My initial intentions for being here weren't for the breathtaking view or to watch the sun let the moon shine. Nevertheless, I am still here for that reason, captivated by the shear glow that only seemed to appear after I forgot the darkness.

A rare escape from the terror of the dark obis is to be cherished, even if it means people think I have lost sanity.

"Yeah... It's real nice..."

The stranger came and stood by my side, also looking at our surroundings. "Why today?" He questioned in nothing louder than a whisper, "It's a horrible day, I think this is the first time it's stopped raining all day."

It's a good question... why today? A question I have no answer for. Everyday is the worst day, why should today have been special? Or maybe it wouldn't have been. My death would be ordinary, 'Another over emotional teen committing suicide' it would read in the local paper. Perhaps my favourite song would be played on the local radio as a tribute to my short lived life.

It would all remain local, it would all be... invisible. In visible alive, invisible dead.

So why today?

"Everyday is horrible, I just picked out my only free day from the calendar." Lie; I'm always free because people flee at the sight of my face, the sight of their guilt. Neither did I Join any clubs or sporting activities to save them the hassle of finding a replacement. Even when I'm dead I'm considerably nice.

"Busy person, huh?"
"I suppose you could say that..."

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