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It was impossible to move my head so I could see who caught me. However I instantly recognised the husky voice.
"Help..." I whimper in a childlike tone.
An eruption of laughter not on my part is followed swiftly by a snap.
"GET ME DOWN FROM HERE YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I squealed, still squirming around and trying to get loose.
"Sorry... but this is going viral" he chuckles taking several more photos before containing his amusement.

Who the jumping jellyfishes says 'viral' about my stupid ass being wedged in a window?!
"What are you even doing up here?"
"Well..." I sheepishly giggled, "Can't a girl pretend to be James Bond once in a while?"
"More like mission impossible."
"Nathan just get me down already!" I complained, kicking my legs around vigorously.
Chair legs screeched on the tile floor behind me.
"Georgina, you are well and truly s-"
"Stuck? Oh wow genius I didn't already fucking know that!"

It took a while however eventually, after a lot of slightly uncalled for screaming and whining, I was back on the ground.

Looking into his twinkling eyes, as grey as the clouds in the sky; yet Nathan's eyes seemed much more luminous, bright and beautiful. Our gaze hadn't lasted long because we keeled over into an uproar of laughter.

"I... I still can't believe..." wheezing, the air from our lungs left and we were left coughing. I was in disbelief that the nurses or someone hadn't discovered our antics.
"What the hell were you trying to do?" He asked, attempting to compose himself.
"I was actually..." I hung my head to hide the colour rushing rapidly to my cheeks, "I was actually coming to apologise to you..."
"Oh..." he muttered quietly, dusting himself off.

A tense, almost awkward silence swamped the air and it stopped us from saying much more. I couldn't face the potential embarrassment of breaking the ice. Suddenly taking a few steps closer, Nathan rapped his muscular arms around me.
"There is no need for an apology, I'm here aren't I?"
I nuzzled my face into his chest and enjoyed his warm embrace. Not wanting to ruin the moment with my good for nothing mouth.
"Hug me back then you idiot..."
"I can't, you've trapped my arms..." I said softly with a giggle, wiggling my arms around.
With a slither of surprise he lifted his arms off of me and took a couple of steps back. Grinning lightly, he ran his fingers through his dark, mysterious, fluffy hair and looked to the floor.

I then took it upon myself to, without warning, hug him and I never wanted to let go. Returning my hug we kind of just stood there, the side of my face pressed up against his structure abs.

I made a decision, and I hoped that it was enough to stay here and not return, no matter how miserable every other aspect was told to be. It seemed real enough, his warmth and light seemed real enough. However so did Amber and the volleyball against my head.

He then stepped back and coughed, the grin was no longer stuck to his chiselled face. "I'm s-sorry..." he stuttered before storming from the room leaving the doors to swing.
And swing...

I stood their utterly speechless and overly confused. Confused and bewildered.

Way the wreck a beautiful moment for me dipshit!

Grunting I stomped and flopped back onto the bed. The window is now not an option... or maybe-

Don't even think about it.

But what if he came back, he would save me again an-



Staring at the ceiling, I silently waiting for anything to happen. Honestly, I prayed that someone would stab me. Not only would I be okay because I'm already in a hospital, but maybe Nathan will come back and pay me some damn attention.

Although, nothing did happen. Not a single person offered to stab me or even jab me very hard with a pen.

Nathan came back once but I doubt he will return again before sleep is necessary...

I'm terrified of closing my eyes.

I'm petrified of loosing myself to these two polar opposite lives.

I am Georgina Callie Porter, I'm seventeen years old and I full of trepidation of that being torn into two separate people.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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