Super duper glue- 9

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Coming back from unconsciousness, I clutch onto then paper thin fabric beneath my icy body. Bombarded by memories, my head pounds viciously and my throat runs as dry as a desert. Overly sanitised rooms and plastered white walls, chaos down the corridor and once again I'm chained to a hospital bed.

It was as peculiar as i felt after experiencing part two of a dream. This is my alternate universe.

The door swung open and a petit white coat appeared with a clipboard and glasses situated on the end of her upturned nose. "Ah Miss Georgina..." she smiled, arriving elegantly to my bedside, "I'm your doctor, Shelly Hoffman."
"I didn't realise my head was that bad..."
"Well it would be after jumping from a cliff," she said chuckling while checking my statistics sheet attached to the end of my bed.
"But I didn't... I got hit in the head with a volleyball during gym class..." I mutter, however just loud enough for the doctor to hear. Furrowing her eyebrows she rushes to my side and places the back of her clammy hand on my forehead, "Georgina, you must have suffered from a greater concussion than we'd first thought... you've been here for 6 weeks. You haven't been to school..."

Time stopped flowing past me, I'm back and now I'm uncertain as to which world is real and which is a clueless fantasy...

Do I have a family or do I not? Do I want to kill myself or do I not? Is Nathan real? Is Amber real? Or am I dead, transferring between heaven and hell. The trouble is... I don't know which one is heaven and which one is my hell.

"No I'm fine, I swear. I'm just a little confused that's all..." I say wincing my eyes as she inspects my head.

"Well, we are going to continue to monitor you for a few more days and then you can go home," she says sweetly while messing with a few bottles with little white caps, "Take these twice a day for the pain and these..." she hands my a smaller purple bottle, "Once a day to stop any further infection."

Placing them on the nightstand I throw back a weak smile, "Thanks doc..."
Turning around she heads for the door, "Wait..." stopping before reaching the handle, "Has there been any visitors lately?"
"No, sorry miss..." then she exits my room and the doors slowly close.

What was I really expecting though? For him to stay after I threw him out and pushed him away. With his stunning looks, it's most likely that he has a girlfriend that has potential to be a Victoria Secret model. Blonde golden hair that sparkles against the light who eats nothing but kale to remain as thin as a twig.

In a normal situation I would fall back to sleep, snuggled up in the cold bedding. Although this is no normal stay to the hospital, I fear that if I vanish back to sleep I'll return back without seeing Nathan and apologising.

Because who knows, maybe this is my last time here or there or... for fucks sake I don't even know anymore. On the other hand I do know that I'm not spending another drab second cooped up with a bunch of sick people.

Anxiously getting up from the bed, I pull a tube from arm and from where the needle pierced my skin I bled a little. Then as I go to pull the monitor from my finger, I pause. If I take this off then it was tell the doctors and stuff I'm flatlining. If I do that then I'll never get out of here...

Trundling along, hauling the monitor along behind me. A window hung above the chair that I remember Nathan sitting on. Climbing onto the chair, I open the window as far as it would go (which is unhelpfully not far...). I stick my head out and peered upon the miserable day. Bellowing winds swept over whispering warning of a storm to come; the clouds locked tight, not allowing a drop of rain to escape its grasp.

I poke my head out and lean to the right, no one was coming in unless I make them.

I stick a tangle of limbs out of the micro sized window and I can feel things poke and prod me in places they don't belong.

I tried to lift my left out but it got stuck. That's not a stuck but I could wiggle my way back out of it. Nor was it a stuck but I could rethink it. There was not room for rethinking because I'm well and truly stuck like super duper glue.

I whined and struggled and wriggled and pulled and pushed.

"What in gods name are you doing?!"

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