Murder- 5

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My vision is now blurred and impaired by the tears I'm stopping myself from shedding. I could have died today. Despite only knowing him for I day, it hurt that he would betray my trust especially considering he know how delicate he knew I am already.
"Please Georgie..." he begs with his head in his hands, "You've been in a coma for six weeks, I didn't mean t-"
"Six w-weeks?..." I stutter flabbergasted by the time I'd lost due to his lies.


I couldn't muster a single word more. I dreaded this day for weeks, the day she would finally wake up with no family or friends making sure she's okay, it's just me. I know everything happened because of my arrogance, how I thought I knew it all after my dad chose to leave me. I thought I could manipulate people into appreciating their lives. I'd done it before, many times; it worked too...
They all had the same story, I guess that's why it didn't work on Georgie.
She actually wanted to die.

Everyday I would sit for hours thinking of things I could do to help. Sleepless nights came as a result of studying 'how to wake someone for a coma?' I quickly came to a realisation, I am the only one here.

I observed the room day by day, I watched doctors and nurses fly in and out of the metal double doors. That's it. Only doctors and nurses, maybe social care once or twice however you could instantly tell by their scrunched up, snobby faces that they didn't want to be there.

Although, after wrongfully claiming to be her older brother, I happened to fall upon her file.

N A M E: Georgina Callie Porter
A G E: seventeen years
DOB: 5th May 2000
F A M I L Y: None.

Much more than that remained a mystery...
Other than how she came to be without biological parents.

18th June 2000:
It was a late summered evening and the family had just arrived home from the hospital with baby Georgina for the first time. Georgina was born prematurely by 2 months and was unnaturally under weight. It was one of the most joyous times for Emily and David Porter. They watched the sun elegantly set and then sang little Georgie to sleep.

It was peaceful and happy that warm night, right up until the knocking started.

"Hello?" David called, not expecting someone so late into the night.
"Who is it?" He asked again. He turned to his wife and she shrugged her shoulders.
"Go get George and hide somewhere until I tell you it's safe..." Emily did as she'd been ordered and disappeared off down the hall.
David stepped up to the door and looked through the eye hole. It was then that he saw...

Nothing but his front porch lit up by the outdoor lights. Cautiously twisting the key in the lock, the door popped open. David took a few hesitant steps out, "Hello?" He asked, not being able to gather an intimidating roar.

Silence fluttered through the air and he rolled his eyes at the probable children playing out at night.

It only took a second after his back was turned that a sharp blade severed his skin and he was rapidly stabbed until there was no more blood left in his body.

It wasn't long before he found Emily whimpering in a closet with her baby strapped right across her chest. The killer dragged her by her hair out into the hall and slaughtered her no less brutally.

But then there's 1 month old Georgie. For some unexplainable reason she was allowed to stay alive. Maybe because their morals tell them that it's wrong to kill children or perhaps it's the result of her never remembering any of thats nights events.

To this day she thinks she was abandoned, what she doesn't know is that she was loved with all their heart. The question is: why doesn't she know?

"You knew I was at least planning on jumping... why did you say there was a net? Why are you even here?!" Salty liquid cascaded down from her bloodshot eyes as she fought me off.
"Georgina stop it..." I coward with my forehead still stuck to the palms of my hands.


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