Fat and happy- 7

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After putting on a grey, woolly, oversized jumper and some ripped jeans. I accompanied it with a silky black scarf and a pair of leopard print converse. Brushing my teeth, I then look up...

Gazing into the eyes of the girl before me, longing for any hope to be displayed. Searching for a white light, a little tranquil island in the middle of a dark obis. However not even the crooked light that swung from the ceiling would share it's light with her. They say the eyes are the windows to a persons soul, I can't see any soul. I see heartbreak, misery and chains binding her so tight that anything good scampers away in fear. Pale, almost grey; the girl standing in front of me held no colour to her skin anymore than light to her eyes.

She was barely alive.

A strand of hair fell onto our faces, with a feeble hand we pushed it back. We breathed in unison, he eyes followed mine and the way I looked, filled with trepidation, was reflected. Dragging my eyes from the mirror, I hung my head in shame.

Hauling myself down the spiralled stair case, I reached for the door and hesitated before opening it. Walking to the car, Amber sat in the drivers seat itching to go however I wasn't as insistent.

"Why look so glum chum?" She chuckled whilst patting on the passenger seat next to her, "School is not that bad, plus I here there's a new guy!"
Theatrically rolling my eyes at the excited ginger, I got in to the car and raised an eyebrow. "How do you know he's even going to be Amber worthy?" Crossing my arms over my chest, I thought I'd at least make her think over the question before she answered.
"Are you kidding? Anything with a half decent jawline is straight in my basket!" She chirped back, allowing me to feel zero satisfaction with what I'd said.

Starting up the engine and blasting out some awful music; our car journey began and ended swiftly with no more that screeching  Harry Styles to be heard.

Pulling up and removing myself from the vehicle, I trundled behind Ambers bouncing curls into the building.

Instantaneously I feel compressed into a whirlwind of fake happiness and lies. The dull, colourless walls rapidly closing in, I could feel my lungs begin to collapse. Random posters promoting good behaviour and encouraging respect and resilience where splattered up and down each and every hall carelessly.

What's more fake than the 'inspirational' quotes are the people. Lurking against there lockers, they gawk at me as I pass them and whisper venomous things once I'm gone. Amber is the only one to see past my inability to socialise and being joyful 24/7; she's also the one who brightens my day just enough that I don't have to resort back to the pills.

Arriving at first period sport, I changed in silence and I tried, as usual, to camouflage into the darkness of a corner. Surrounding girls shouted and cackled, flipping their hair back and jumping up and done in nothing but lacy underwear. Uncomfortable, I attempt to block all of them out, to shy away and forget they even exist like they do to me.

Jealous of their perfected figures, I was also mortified. Mortified by how far a person will go to please others around them; people who don't like them for them. Those people in society are the people that judge you by your social standing and your looks, weight, height and everything that makes a person vain in between. I've always been 'curved' and I'd matured physically quicker than most girls in my class. I've been called porky, fat, flabby so many times I've thought about legally changing my name.
Gigantic Georgina sounds about right.

Suck it in...

I slump into the gym to see girls already warming up, flinging volley balls over nets and giggling about what happened at the weekend. The gymnasium wasn't much better than the rugged halls, the floorboards stained a putrid yellow from all the sweaty bare feet to run across them in to years they've been rotting away. Coloured lines streaming across such floor to mark out areas for certain games. It was plain and all the equipment was shoved away into the cramp store cupboard.

"G over here and be a doll and grab some balls," winking mischievously, I couldn't help but take it the wrong way and let a smile creep onto my face.

I've never been good at sports, the fact that being in a team irritates me greatly isn't an advantage either. Creativity is my strong point although art isn't compulsory, physical education unfortunately is.

I mean have school never heard of the term: fat and happy? What's wrong with being a couch potato and eating chocolate cake with a side of chocolate crunch ice cream? Nothing!
I'm here for a good time not a long time; enjoy life while it's in your hands.

Although, my issue is that I'm not exactly having a good time nor am I enjoying life. To be honest, death is more likely to have a better future in-store for me.


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