Congratulations to the first place winner in the short story genre!
Title: Cancer Hotline
Author: lovinglexy
There will always be a reason why you meet people.
Either you need them to change your life or you're the one that will change theirs.
In which a boy is forced to call a cancer support hotline by his mother and is intrigued by the lady on the other end.
Hello and welcome to the cancer support hotli-
Yeah, yeah. Just do me a favor and cut that bullshit out.
Sir? This is a cancer suppo-
Goddamnit! I know! You're the oh-so-great cancer support hotline.
Sir, this isn't a line where you can just throw insults and everything. We help families, friends, and patients with cancer.
You don't need to keep saying it. God, your cancerous advertisements are all over the damn radio.
Okay, well there are actually people who appreciate our services. I understand that you're upset-
I'M. NOT. UPSET. Why do you all think that I'M UPSET.
Judge's comments:
The Reason Why I Gave This A Perfect Score It's Because Her Book Had Originality And The Creativity Of This Book Is On Point. Everything Was Detailed And I Like The Aesthetics Of It. The Characters She Used Are Realistic To Me. There Was A story behind each character which made it creative. I Love The Book And I Think This Deserves An Award :)
Hidden Gems Awards 2017
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