Chapter XV: Simple Math..

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Toni's POV...
I sat and watched Myles walk away and get in the cab.. I was curious, I wanted to know more about him.. Whether I like him or not wasn't something I could really tell to be real.. I never think about my personal feelings, and I've only been in one whole relationship in my life.. The one time I put my heart on the line it got burned.. From then on I decided to have no heart.. But see the thing is no matter how much I try not to like Myles I think about him.. Maybe Cassidy is right maybe I am getting soft..
I get hit on by all types of men, but after they catch a draft of my personality it's a done deal.. They instantly label me a bitch and leave the situation alone. And that's how I like it. I never care what people think of me.. But for some reason I cared about what Myles felt. That's the reason I punched him..
After my shift I made sure everything was clean and closed shop..
I was gonna take the cab home until I got in and realized that the cab driver who picked Myles was my same cab driver..

"Hey you tryna make an extra 300 dollars.."

"It depends I'm not stripping on the Ave anymore that's dead!"

"What! No.. Listen that guy you picked up from this café earlier can you take me to wherever you dropped him off at?"

"Who Myles?"
He asked smiling and looking back at me through the rear view..

"Uh yeah him.."

"Well, Technically I can't because that's and invasion of privacy and what not..."

"I'll throw in an extra 50.."


We pulled up to this real nice hotel...
"Are you sure this is it man? Don't make me have to come and find you!"

"Calm Down Lady this is it! I've been bringing him here for the past two months I think I know by now.."

"Ight Cool.. Here.."
I handed him the money and walked in the hotel looking around..

"Um excuse me mam, can I help you?"
Some young white girl with brunette colored hair asked me in a suspicious way..

"Yes actually I'm looking for a guy staying here named Myles.. I caught three cabs after getting off of a 13 hour shift to come see him, that's why I'm still in my work clothes.. I don't know his last name.."
Than I broke down fake crying..
"I met him and I thought we were in love.. He said he would leave his wife and he didn't.. now I'm pregnant and he won't answer his phone.. and I'm alone and scared.."

"Oh my gosh! What a slob! Girl that same thing happened to me and I told Victor, either you handle it now or I'm getting and abortion.. Don't cry sister, I got you! We have to stick together and take what's ours against these pigs.. do you have a picture of him.."

"No he wouldn't allow me to have any electronics around him.."

"Fucking BITCH! Beyond DISGUSTED GIRL! Okay let me see what I can do.."
She did some typing..
"Well you're in luck, there's only one Myles showing in our system.. His last name is Richmond.."

"Richmond Huh?"

"Yes girl, floor 5 room 518 go get what's yours sister.. GO SHUT SHIT DOWN! Be strong. Don't cry girl.."

I wiped my fake tears..
And walked down the fancy lobby smiling..
"And the academy award goes to!"
I said to myself...

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