The Birth of Troyler

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Dear Tyler, 

I never knew what we could be. When I thought about us, I never thought of us as a thing, as "Troyler." We were always just friends, or more than that, but we were two different people with different fandoms...until we weren't. 

After that night, everything changed. After Playlist, everything changed.  Suddenly you were with me all of the time and I was with you. I felt like a part of me was missing when you weren't around. To an outsider, I barely knew you, but you and I know that we were best friends by then. That whole weekend, I got to know you better than almost everyone else. And it never occurred to me, or you, that people would pay attention to us, together. When we started posting selfies and we started hanging out, I remember realizing that people wanted us together. I remember the first time I heard the word Troyler. I remember looking at you and seeing you laugh. I remember when it all started. 

Within days, you and I had been transformed into this entity with fans and shippers and I remember looking at you looking at all of the Troyler posts. And I remember looking at you looking at me. You were my best friend, Tyler. Witihin days, you were my best friend and now you were my other half. I didn't want to do anything without you.

I remember the first time that someone asked me whether Troyler was real. I could feel my face flush, Tyler. I could feel my throat clench and that was how I knew that something had changed, and something new was coming. 

I would like to believe that it was all some sort of master plan, and we were just characters in a story, but I can't. It was you and me, Tyler. Some people said that it was a fake ploy for attention or a way to get more followers or subscribers, but you and I know that it was always real. From that very first tweet, we were in control. With Troyler, we found ourselves face to face with a new path to follow: a new story to tell. And we weren't quite sure what the next page would hold. Neither of us knew how the story would end, but we were brave enough to start writing.

Thank you for writing this with me. 

I can happily say that I'll never know what would have happened to us if all of this didn't happen. I'll never have to wonder about the what-ifs. I'll never have to wonder about what I would do without you, because ever since that first Troyler, and up until the very last one, I'll never have to know. Yes, we're two different people, with two different stories, and two different lives, but somewhere along the way I think that the world realized that we were different, but we were meant to be different together. And if I have to be different with anyone, it's my honor to be different with you. 

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