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"What is that smell on you?" Zia asked sniffing Mia. It smelled like old spice and sandalwood. She would know since she loved the smell. She had discovered the smell in her mom’s makeup kit a long time ago and since then she made sure to everything that smelled the same. Mia hated the smell, she never used Zia’s sandalwood scented shampoo or lotion.

"What smell?" Mia frowned. "Stop sniffing me" Mia squatted Zia face away.

"Smells like you used my lotion," Zia wiggled her eyebrow mocking her sister. "And If it's your new perfume bitch I fucking want it. It smells amazing."

"No its..." Mia looked at Zia with a mischievous smile playing on her lips, " A BOY!"

"What?!!!" Zia tackled Mia on the bed. "Who is it?" She asked feeling curious.

"I would tell you if you get off of me," Mia pushed Zia away and sat on the bed. A deep blush setting on her face.

Zia looked expectantly at her sister for details. Mia had a couple of boyfriends in her past but no one smelled like this. No one intrigued Zia curiosity like this boy.

"His name is Jordan. He is the future Alpha of Yoda Pack," Mia said in one breath.

Zia smile fell.

Jordan? Her sister met him?

"Are you kidding me?" Zia faced away. Their father did not tolerate them mixing with guys from another pack. That too an alpha from the rival Pack. If George found out Mia showing interest on any guy he will lock both of them in the basement. George had done it before when Mia was briefly seeing a boy from neighbouring Pack. Those five days were the worse of Zia’s life. Mia had cried the whole time as they sat in complete darkness for five straight hours.

"I thought you would be happy," Mia said sounding concerned.

"I don’t want to get in trouble." It wasn’t a complete lie. She had wanted to go talk to him too but she made sure not too. She cared too much about both of them to do her hearts wish.

"No one will know," Mia hugged her from behind.

"You know George."

"I'll make sure he doesn't know."

"Best of luck," Zia said walking to her bed and putting her headphone on.


Zia had almost forgotten about Mia’s new love interest. The day had been a shit show,  she needed a nice warm bath before sleep. Zia was walking to the bathroom when she heard her sister's phone vibrate. Zia didn’t mean to spy on her sister but the name Jordan was flashing on phone like a red flag wanting to be noticed. The hearts beside his name didn’t skip Zia’s notice.

It was a text.

Jordan: Hi

"Mia you've got a message from the lover boy," Zia shouted trying not to feel jealous.

Mia didn’t respond. She had gone to take a bath half an hour ago and probably was in the bathtub. Zia was going to let it when Mia's phone started ringing.

"Mia, he is calling," There was a nervous shake in Zia’s voice as she called her sister. Again no response. Zia dashed to the bathroom to see it empty. It dawned to her that Mia must have gone to the Clan library. She decided to tell lover boy to call later.

She picked up the phone all ready to ask him to call back later when he uttered the single word.

“Hello, Mia.”

Zia was stunned when her wolf yelped at the sound. Her heart stopped for a second before starting a thousand beats per second. Mate! Mate! Mate! The words flashed in her head in a neon sign. Her wolf was going crazy.

"I needed to tell you something, Mia. I guess you must have already figured it out from the hug we shared. Mia, we are mates," Jordan said sounding very serious.

It took some time for Zia to register what he said. She couldn't process the information over her wolf's shouting.

She frowned at the prospect. He thought Mia was his mate?

"Mia?" Jordan prompted.

Zia did not know what to say. She hung up. Her hands shook, her breathing laboured. How could she have the same mate as Mia? That cannot be. Her wolf had to be confused.

Zia was still in shock standing by the table when Mia came back.

"What's up with you?" She asked picking up her phone.

Zia gathered her thoughts clearing her throat.

"Loverboy called but the connection was bad. It disconnected," Zia tried her level best to look normal.

"You picked my phone. You..," Mia trailed off.

"Whatever. I am going to take a bath," Zia said walking away. Her wolf whimpered, she wanted to get to her mate but Zia ignored. She will not give fuel to this madness.

Hating Her | Yoda Pack #2Where stories live. Discover now