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Zia was starting to adjust. It had been a few weeks since she moved in, the pack members turned out to be super sweet. She mixed with them right away. They treated her like she has always been a part of their pack.

In all this newness, the laughs and giggles was what she missed the  most was her sister. She could only imagine the amount of love Mia would have received from these people.  Being a Luna was a respectable position, that too of a pack who was considered the strongest werewolf pack on earth, would have her dream come true. She was such a talented woman, so studies, she would have rocked the position. The thought almost brought tears to Zia’s eyes but she held it in.

Rick and Isaac soon became her best friends. They both were Jordan’s cousines. Mac lived in his mate's home most days so she didn’t get to see him much.

Rick and her spent a lot of time. He was loud and funny just like her or the past version of her. Rick was also a closeted gay. In werewolf community gays weren’t accepted. Wolf in nature showed gay tendency all the time, it was the most natural thing, mix it with human and it becomes a taboo. Rick begged Zia not to tell his secret to anyone, and she swore not to.

On the other hand she rarely saw Jordan around. He either worked in his office or  went out for meeting and stuff. Even during the dinner he chose not to come down. Rick said it was unusual of him since he hardly ever missed eating dinner with the family. Maybe he was still coping with the loss of his mate. The only time Zia had seen him come out was night time to run in the wild in his wolf-form. He probably didn’t know but she saw every night from the little window on her room which gave a beautiful view of the jungle. Her wolf would literally drool as he would remove his clothes neatly fold them up set them on the porch and change into his wolf form before sprinting in the jungle. Every night she scolded herself for being a peeping tom yet every night she would look at his hard abs, lean muscles and feel something wild inside her. Her teenage dreams did not do him justice, he was better than she had ever imagined look wise but his attitude was shitty. And the most important thing, he wanted her dead

Rick was working to be Pack’s security head. He suggested she could take up a job training female teen wolves for self defence. She took up the job without delay, it kept her occupied too, kept her from overthinking things. Yoda pack felt like home more than she ever felt in her own pack.

Zia was late for dinner, a new kid she was training had rouge qualities and it took Zia some time to train her.

"You look tired, hon," Rose said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I was training Micca’s wolf. She is not an easy thing to tame," Zia cracking her neck in exaggeration. Zia was turning back to her old self slowly. At times she remembered it would have Mia in her place and left her feeling hollow.

"Oh her? I remember her, she has always been a wild pub. I have to say you are doing a great Job.”

"You flatter me, Rose," Zia said smiling.

Zia was helping Rose clear the table when Rose interrupted her. "Dear, I hate to ask you this but could you take this dinner to Jordan's room. He said he would come down for dinner tonight but he didn't. If it wasn’t for my knee pain I would have taken it to him myself," Rose took me the tray looking apologetic. Everyone had gone to their rooms, it was pretty apparent she really hated putting her in this situation.

Zia didn't want to face him, didn’t want to walk all the way to the end of the second floor corridor and knock on his door. But she didn't want to say no to Rose. She took the tray forcing a smile. “It’s not a problem.”

She was shaking. Why fuck was she shaking?

She knocked on the wooden door, the largest one in the whole mansion. This dude knew how to take advantage of his position. Zia’s palms got sweaty, her breathing changed as she anticipated him opening the door but there was no answer.

She knocked on it again but nothing. Finally she pushed the door to find it unlocked. The door was heavy, it took some effort on her part to open it with one hand.

When she entered the first thing that hit her was the scent of sandalwood. Freaking sandalwood! This guy could have smelled like everything but he had to go ahead and smell like sandalwood. She stood still and gathered her thoughts. Shut her world which was starting to get all excited.

How long she has been trying to avoid looking into those brown orbs? Way too long. Her hormones were in overdrive, a common reaction of being around your mate but in her case her being around her demise.

The room was big. One half of the room was an ultra clean office with a black desk, a computer in the middle of the big surface, a small stack on paper topped with a glass paperweight. By the side was a plush black leather sofa and on front a small table. The other half of the room had a king sized bed with black silk linen on it. This guy had taste, or not. Everything was very methodical, in its place, prim perfect just like her sister wanted to be. If it wasn’t for Zia, Mia would have been a clean geek too. No wonder they clicked so well, they were similar in so many ways.

She was distracted when she heard a click of door opening. When she went to the side and saw a half naked Jordan coming out of the shower, wiping his head with a white towel while another one wrapped around his waist. The tribal tattoos on his arms and shoulders were the first thing that drew Zia’s attention. She had seen the tattoos from her window but up close she couldn’t help but admire the intricacies of it. Her eyes landed on the smooth taut muscles of his abdomen and she had to physically gulp down a knot on her throat. Stream still clung to his body and the V of his torso made something flutter in her tummy.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Jordan barked bringing her back to reality. Her cheeks heated up realizing she had been caught gawking at him.

Why was she here again? Oh yes! The food.

"I came here to give you the dinner. You did not show up for it," Zia put the tray on the side table beside the bed.

"I think it's done. You can leave." Jordan said, his jaws clenched tight. He turned around continue drying his hair.

"I have never seen a more arrogant Alpha before. You are supposed to eat with your pack members not alone in the luxury of your room," Zia spat pissed at his dismissive behaviour and instantly regretted opening her mouth.

Jordan stopped drying his hair with a precise slow motion he turned to look at her. Did she cross an unspoken line? She probably did.

"Now you will teach me how to be a leader? You whose own pack has forsaken her?”

Zia felt as if someone plunged a knife in her heart.

“Get the fuck out of my face." Jordan yelled.

That hurt, that hurt real bad. His hated was breaking her down. How could her wolf love a man who didn’t want anything to do with her?

She didn’t want to protest like heart was telling her to, after all he was the Alpha she was under.

Hating Her | Yoda Pack #2Where stories live. Discover now