“Dear future husband, here’s a few things you’ll need to know if you wanna be my ‘one and only’ all my life”. I listened to Meghan Trainor’s new song “Dear Future Husband” and chuckled as I agreed with way more than half of the lyrics. Then I saw the ecard that’s above and laughed at how true it was! (Don’t act like you don’t have a Wedding board on Pinterest). All of this made me start thinking of what I’d like to see in my future husband. Ya know.. man of God, pray with me, lead me, and tell me I’m beautiful every minute of every day. The usual 🙂
Ladies, rather than making a list of expectations, ever thought of praying for him? Even if you have no clue who he is, you should pray for him often. And fellas, are you praying for your future wives?
No, I’m not engaged, but nonetheless, here’s what I have to say to my future husband (inspired by finallyone.com). And whether you are single or dating, I pray that you are encouraged by it.
Dear Future Husband,
I pray for you, everyday. Both God and I know that I’m a piece of work, so not only do I pray for you, but I pray that God prepares me to be the best wife. I’m striving to submit every area of my life to God so that He can mold me into who He needs me to be for you. Your companion, best friend, support, soldier. And I pray that when ready for marriage, we fit together like the perfect pairing, joining as one. I can’t wait to be able to come home to my best friend every day and go through life with you. While it’ll have plenty of ups and downs, I am fully aware that PRAYER will be a necessity in achieving our marriage. I pray for you, everyday.
I pray for your walk with God, that you continue to grow spiritually and is prepped to be the spiritual head of a household. I pray for your ability to hear God’s voice, for your ear to be in tune to hear all of His instructions. I pray for your will to be bendable toward whatever God wants in your life. That your desire to fulfill His will increases day by day.
I pray for you emotional health, that any past wounds be dealt with and healed by the power of the Holy Spirit. That restoration in all areas occur. I also pray for your physical health, especially for your endurance ;). I rebuke any injury or disease, and that any unhealthy addictions cease.
I pray for your career, that it be established in the field where God wants to use you and that you be wise with resources. I also pray that God prepares me to support your career. I pray for your ministry and that you be sensitive to God’s call on your life, especially and primarily as a husband, then serving others. I hope that our ministries intertwine and support each other, and that one day we’ll be able to be a power couple in the kingdom of God, ministering to His people together as one.
I pray that God sends any trials necessary into your life that will allow the preparation process to be complete. I realize that may be a bit controversial. Knowing how much God has accomplished in my life through trials, I would expect nothing less of your journey toward me.
I pray for your identity as a man, your masculinity and self-esteem, that you grow into 1) the man God wants you to be for Him, and 2) the man God needs you to be for me. I pray that you won;t be distracted by any Gabby counterfeits, cause they’ll surely come your way. I pray for your future ability to forgive quickly, understand, show love, and be patient with me. And I hope that you’ll be able to view me as God views me.
I am studying, preparing and submitting to God so that I turn out to be the dream girl you’ve wanted since you were younger. I am in God’s face every day, letting go of bad habits, strongholds, fears and doubts that may ever have the potential of causing havoc in or future marriage. I’m also learning how to be understanding, accepting and forgiving. I’m learning how to be loving, trusting and patient. I need you to know that I want nothing less than a marriage built on the foundation of Christ, and as I pray for you daily, know that I pray that God do all of this for me as well.
One day, I’ll be in a gorgeous gown while you handsomely wait for me at the altar. And while that day will be glorious and celebratory, I more importantly pray for the marriage that will follow the honeymoon. Through the ups and downs, I pray that we stick together and look to Christ for every unanswered question and need.
So until God graces us with that day, with patience and love, I’m praying for you.
– Gabby Hilaire
Letters To My Future Husband
RomanceLetters To My Future Husband is kind of these normal letters to a specific person..but it can help guys to know what girls ( like me) think about boyfriends... and help girls (like me) to not forget that there is someone for them, but not now.. Not...