*Short Intermission so the author can say her shit*

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Hey lovelies, a short note from the author here.
I have been away for a while, for various reasons, and today I came back to say goodbye (slightly dramatic, I know, but please let me have my moment).
I am so incredibly glad and grateful to find out that there are still people who read my stories and comment on them. Thank you all so much for being so kind and lovely and showing me that you like my stuff. It really means a lot to me, more than I could ever explain.

This fandom, with its great stories and lovely people, has been a really beautiful part of my life for quite some time, and has helped me start writing again (something I never thought would happen). I will cherish that forever.

However, life goes on, and I find that I no longer have the time or passion to write new Milex stories, or think and talk about these guys as much as I used to. People change and life changes and sometimes you have to say goodbye to things you loved. Which is why I have decided to leave this fandom and don't write any new fanfics. However, I feel kinda bad leaving all of you in the middle of a story while the rest lies finished in my drafts, so I'll be updating the remaining chapters of this story pretty much in one go, so you can read on till the end. I hope you enjoy it and have a lovely time writing, reading and talking about Milex. I know I had :)

Bye bye (for now, it's not like I'm dead so you can still talk to me if you like)

Lots of love, kisses and hugs,

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