Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

A/N: Hiii guys... I haven't uploaded in a while... its been about 2 weeks and I promissed myself that I would upload every week. Anyways exams are over and Summer break is 4 days away! I don't know If I'll be able to finish this story over the break because I better. Oh and remember this story is in for the Watty Awards 2012 so I really want you guys to vote if you like it :) I think I am getting decent amount of reads for each chapter so I am looking forward to some votes! Anywho, Enjoy Chapter 23

Lily’s POV


The warm sun shines down on my shoulders and my feet are underneath the warm sand. The waves climb up the sand and retreat back. “Mommy” I hear a little child’s voice. I look up to my right. A little girl stands there. Her hair is red and her face reminds me of myself. Could this be my child? The little girl waves in the distance behind me. “Daddy!” She calls. I whip my head across to see who it could be. The sun is in my eyes and I can’t make out his figure.


I open my eyes to meet the walls of a room I do not recognize. I sit up from a bed and look around the room. It is completely furnished in black. I look down and realize I was in bed. The sheets, mattress. Everything in this room is black. As I slip out of the bed and touch the cold floor I realize I’m dressed in a long black night gown. 

I feel pain at the side of my head. I feel around until I find a small gash at my temple. I don’t remember how I got it. 

I look to the side of my bed and find bedside table. I open the first drawer, nothing. the second one, three bottles of ink and five quills. And in the last drawer I find a beautiful black leather covered diary. It unfortunately has a hole on the cover... it seems awfully familiar.

I sit back down  on the bed after aranging the contents in the first drawer and try to grasp memories from my dream and from what had happened. The dream is just a blur of a image of a little girl and the beach. I shake it off and try to remember what happened last night. 

It comes to me without much effort.

I drank the weird potion Victor offered me, them I lost control of my body. I had attacked Scorpius with my own hands. Is he safe? Where is he? Where am I?

I look around the room again. The room is large. There is a huge door right at the end of the room. There aren’t any windows in the room. I rub my arms as goosebumps crawl up my body. 

I step down from the bed again my bare feet touching the cold floor. I quickly walk toward the door and try to open it.

Its locked.

“hello? Hello? HELLO?” I banged on the door with my fist calling for help. Why was I here. Why am I here?

“Is anyone there? Help!” I shout as I bang on the door with my fist. Before I can bang on it once more the door opens and a cold hand grips my wrist preventing me from making more noises. 

Started, I loose my voice. I somehow shake my hand out from his tight grip and run out of the door. I dig into my pockets reaching for my wand. Its not there.

Damn it!

I look back to see no one is following. Them I bump into a hard figure. 

I look up. Its the person who stopped me from the doorway. I can’t tell if its a man or women. Its face is covered with a mask and its whole body is under a black cloak. I get up and try to run again but it points a wand at me.


I can’t move. 

By its voice I can tell its a man. His wand controls my every movement. It is impossible to control myself. I am lead back into my room. He follows me in. Closes the door and puts down his wand. I gain control of my body again. 

“Where am I! Let me go!” I shout. The man covers my mouth.

“Please listen to me. I’m not going to hurt you!” It is a man or more of a boy approaches me holding his mask in his hands in which he removed. He offers his hand to shake. 

“Uh..Hello” He insists me to shake his hand. I hesitate but shake it anyways.

“Listen, I know you have a lot of questions you want answered. I can’t answer them. But remember this. I’ll be there when you need me. I have to go now. Stay safe.”

Before I can say anything he is out the door. I slump down in my bed and start to worry about my parents. Dad. He must be worried. Mum. She must be heart broken. I climb into the bed close my eyes and soon I drift off to sleep.


Scorpius! I call. He turns back and smiles. He holds me in his arms and showers me with tiny little kisses. We are in front of a ocean now. I dip my feet into the blue ocean and let the wind blow through my hair. I turn back to see Scorpius building a sand castle. He calls me over. I sit down next to him. Engorgio. The sand castle grows until I am able to fit through its door. We both enter and sand castle. Surprising the inside is beautifully furnished. He offers me a seat on a couch. I sit down on the extreamly comfortable sand chair. I sit and admire the sand castle when Scorpius gets down on his knees. He pulls out a small black velvet box from his pocket. Inside is a beautiful ring. I gasp. Lily Luna Potter, Will you marry me? I jump into him Yes! I would love to marry you Scorpius Malfoy!

I wake up and realize I’ve been crying. I remember the dream and try to hold on to it as long as possible. I was sure my tears were tears of happiness. I wonder if that day will ever come. 

Scorpius’s POV

I wake up to meet the ceilings of Malfoy Manor. It had been clear no one was going to be staying at Hogwarts. They closed the school down.

Father sent me and mother home after our little talk. How could I be so stupid and blurt out that I loved Lily at such a wrong moment. 

I worry about Lily during every second of my next few days. When I’m sleeping, or forced to do school projects. Time seems to pass so slowly. I was lifeless.

For the next week all that is in the news paper is about Lily’s kidnapping, Voldemort’s return, Hogwarts. I try not to read any of it. I haven’t told anyone that Jacks- Victor is Voldemort’s son. I don’t know why.

And soon in no time. A month passes quietly.

Just like that.

Harry’s POV

Ginny has been in bed for the last month after Lily had been kidnapped. The ministry of magic has sent out many search parties to find the Death Eaters hide out. We question former Death Eaters but that isn’t easy; most of them are dead. Our last option is Draco Malfoy. I haven't been able to contact him since. 

“Father...” I look back to see a traumatized Albus holding on to a familiar wand. It was pure white with a handle on the end that looked like a Phoenix’s hand.

Voldemort’s Wand. 

I snatch the wand out of his hands and examine it. For sure this is his wand. It was my wand’s brother.

“Where.... Where did you get this Albus.” He struggles to explain but opens his mouth.

“One night I woke up to a loud crackling noise and found two people fighting against the wall. They apparated away so I went down to examine where they were and found this. I kept it in my pack until now and I was reading the modern magic textbook and saw a picture of this wand.... I saw him father. This isn’t Voldemort we’re going after. Its his son. I saw him wearing a Hogwart’s uniform.”

Voldemort had a son? But-.. how could this be? 

I tell Albus and Ginny I’ll be at the Ministry of Magic. Before I leave I write a quick note to James who is working at the Ministry to gather the Minister and the administrators at the hall at once and attach it to Fredwig. 

A/N: How'd you like the story. I tried to make it longer. I wrote the first part (Lily's POV) a while a ago and the rest today so its kinda choppy :/ Oh well. Hope you guys liked it.

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