Chapter 30

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 Chapter 30

A/N: Enjoy... :')

Draco’s POV

We’ve made no progress after the Penny and the other had been sent back to Azkaban. Everyone had been completely devastated when they found we had nothing to get from them. 

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY’RE GIVING UP! THIS ISN’T ONLY ABOUT MY DAUGHTER! ITS ABOUT THE WHOLE WIZARDING WORLD!” Potter had been arguing with groups of Auror that would be giving up on the search for days. And obviously it hadn’t worked. They came bursting through the door. And shouted into the room where Potter stood. 


Inside, Potter stood at the window sill with his head pushed to the glass. 

“We don’t need them all Potter. Relax.”

“You don’t understand Malfoy. You don’t understand how many Aurors we would need. This could be another Wizarding War!”

“Potter, we have enough people already, these-”

“Of Course you don’t understand Malfoy! You were on their side during the second Wizarding War! You didn’t loose anyone! Not a single person... I’m sorry” 

We stand there in awkward silence Potter looking down in shame. 

A tap on the window both get us to look up. “Fredwig, what are you doing here?” Potter mutters as he slides the window open. 

The owl flapped into the room and set gently sat on the table. Potter walked to the table and pulling out owl treats from his pocket and removed the note tied to its leg. He scanned the note carefully and his eyes widened in shock. He looked up at me and handed the note to me. I pulled out my spectacles. It read:

We’re in the Chamber of Secrets. Its a long story.
But Lily is here. We haven’t found her yet but we know she’s here. 
I’m down here with Malfoy and Taylor. 
We need your help. Sorry for not telling


I looks up and there stands Potter placing his wand in the back of his pocket and putting his cloak on. 

“Coming Malfoy?” 

“My son is down there.” I say putting on my cloak and checking if I have my wand. 

We hurry to the girl’s bathroom on the second floor. 

“Are we sure about this Potter.”

“I don’t know, but we’ll have to try.”

We get to the bathroom. Potter ignore’s Moaning Myrtle and stands in front of the sink. 

“rhdjfag adjfhawejw dfahksjdh” Potter says something in Parseltougue. The sink changes form and reveals the entrance to the chambers. 

Scorpius’s POV

“Hello Scorpius, you probably don’t remember me. My name is Leo Malfoy, did Mum and Dad ever mention me or... Uhm Hi Scoprius, I’m your brother.”

My brother? This is my brother? My brother Leo Emlock Malfoy? This is god damn insane. 

“Hey, Uh we do look a lot alike. Our parents probably never mentioned me. I know this is weird, but I am your brother.” He gives me an extremely awkward smile. 

“Um excuse me. One moment.” Nervously reaching into my pocket, I take the picture out my brother and set it next to his face. He was platinum blonde, and had grey eyes. But anyone could have that kind of figure.

He picks the photo out of my hands “Hey!-” Inspecting the photo he looks at me with squinting eyes. 

“Where did you- You know who I am?” 

“I only found that photo a month ago. And I don’t believe that you’re my brother.” 

“I can’t give you exact proof that I am indeed am your brother at the moment.” He said as he gave the photo a good long look then shoved it in his pocket. I was going to say something but decided not to.

“Scorpius, you have to believe him” Lily said as she walk toward him and revealed his forearm. A Dark Mark. “Lily stay back!” Albus pointed his wand at him.

“He helped me escape, we have to trust him. Death Eater or not.” 

Then he, my brother I presume, cries out in agony and falls to the floor grasping his arm.

“Lily!” And there stood my father and Harry Potter.

Harry Potter gets to his daughter and embraces her saying nothing for a long time. “My Lily, my precious  Lily... I’m so glad you’re safe.” “I missed you Dad, I’m okay.”

Again screams of agony fill the Chamber. Harry Potter looks down at my brother on the ground his head down grasping his arm. 

“Son, Whats wrong.” Harry Potter kneels down comforting him.

“Sir, Harry Potter! my... my arm, Its burning. Its never done this before.” 

“I think I can help.” My father kneels down to the boy who presumably is my brother. 


 Forever Ours, Complete
To Be Countinued in the Summer of 2013 

--Look forward to my Last SPED Chapter of Forever Ours--
 -Trivia Questions about the Author
 -A special Vedio Just for you :)
 -Some good news!

A/N: Okay. So that was the last Chapter of Forever Ours I know that was a terrible place to stop. But from August 16, I start freshmen year at school and I didn't think I'd have time to write as much.

When I first started writing Forever Ours (Can We Be) It was suppose to be a LilyxScorpius One-Shot Fan-Fiction. But when I finished writting Chapter 4, I decided this wouldn't be Romance, but more of an adventure Fiction. In concution, I am a horrible Romance author. Thank you so much for your support, I would have never been able to finish this without you ;') I love all of you so much! I'll see you next summer!

This Story is going for the Watty Awards 2012
Please Support, Promote, Thank you! 

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