Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

A/N: This is one of the longer chapters I've written so recently. I hope you enjoy it!

Lily’s POV

I’ve been put back into my normal room. The room where Leo visited me. Leo is still in the ‘Room’ being taunted by endless nightmares one after another. As I was being pulled out of the ‘Room’ I could here him moan

‘Mummy, please don’t send me away. Please. Mummy!-’

The nightmares I had there were terrible. I don’t recall them but I knew they were pure torture. I had to find my wand and get out of here. There must be a way out. Feeling the wall for any signs of cracks, just anything that could get me out, I spend the next few hours sliding my fingers along the corners and the sides of the wall. 

Just as I am about to give up I notice the massive painting hung on my wall. I hadn’t lifted it yet. And I was eager to do so. I tug the edges of the frame of the painting hoping to see a way out. The wallpaper rips with the frame and falls to the ground. Behind the painting I see a stone door with a serpent carved onto it. 

Standing in front of the door, I look directly into the serpent’s eyes. Abruptly, I feel a tingling sensation inside myself. Something I had never felt. 

‘Open the Doors’ 

The door simply slides open, and on the other side is another room. As soon as I pass through the other door, the stone door closes shut. I reach for the door in this room. The doorknob turns and I am granted freedom  into the halls of the unknown place. 

I start running trying to find where the ‘Room’ is located. At the end of the hallway I see a Death Eater approaching. I decide to use the classic innocence trick. 

“Hey! Wait up!” Running toward the Death Eater, I shout at the top of my lungs with a big smile. Obviously, he or she turns around and stares at me. 

“I’m lost and I’m suppose to be at the ‘Room’ do you happen to know how to get there? You see I’ve just escaped.” I say as If there is nothing wrong. A tactic that will never fail me. 

“Oh. Well first follow this path ahead and turn left. You’ll be there...” Before he finishes his sentence. I snatch his wand and put him to sleep. 

I follow his directions and end up at the entrance of the ‘Room’ . The doors are locked. I try use the wand I snatched from the Death Eater but It doesn’t help as much. Then a serpent carving appears out of no where onto the door. Again, I look directly into its eye. 

‘Open the Doors’ The door easily swings open. Again. 

I peek into every cell trying to find the one the held Leo captive. Locating the proper cell I try to use the snatched wand again but it disobeys. Again, the serpent carving appears. But this time, without eye contact the door slides swings open. 

He still moans in pain, tear stains on his face and his wounds still unhealed. Kneeling down I inspect his wounds more carefully. They are all deep scars. It must have been caused by the Cruciatus Curse. I shake him trying to wake him from his dream. No use. 

I point the disobedient snatched want at him. “Aguamenti” A weak stream of water is spurted on his face. He lays still for a moment but soon regains conscious. His eyes dart open. 

“The was the worst nightmare I ever had.” Thats the first thing he says in a croaking voice. The water washed the most of the blood and tear streaks from his face. I decide not to ask him what he had dreamed of. 

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