chapter 1

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There he was, your inspiration. In all his sweaty, lanky glory.

You were front row at one of the Gorillaz underground bar concerts, even though it had been years since their last album. I mean, in the end, really it was only 2D and recorded instrumentals. They had all really gone separate ways after the broke up and... Noodle died.

But this concert was just as important as any public one, because he said this was his last performance. Although you were brokenhearted over this, you were beyond thrills you were directly in front of him as he danced around awkwardly and sang 5/4. He had always been your favorite member in your favorite band. In your free time, you even used to read fanfictions of you and him meeting in a coffee shop and falling in love while Murdoc tried oh so desperately to tear you two apart.

The stage wasn't that large, but it was big enough for this one man show. The lights behind him were vibrant purples and pinks, and they mixed in with his bright blue hair and created a beautiful display of flashy colors to go along with the exciting songs he was playing. As the background music began to fade, he came to a halt. And so did the rest of your world. He grabbed the microphone from the stand he had been dancing around as if it was his girlfriend at a party, and stepped infront of you. He looked out at the wailing crowd, his missing teeth showing through his wide smile. His large black eyes were somehow bright with pride and excitement for the tons of people anticipating the next song. He scanned the crowd, until his eyes met yours.

You felt your face heat up, and you imagined it was brighter than the neon lights behind him. His smiled dropped, but only for a second when your eyes met. And as they did, his eyes remained just as bright. He gave you a quick, crooked smile, and you felt your heart melt. He acknowledged you.

He tapped the microphone, sending out disgusting feedback that even made 2D cringe. "Oop... sowy..." he muttered, his lips almost pressed on the microphone. "Since dis is ma' last song n' all... I wan' let one of yew pick wot I'll sing!" The crowd roared again, everyone's hands shooting up, a large wave of ME PLEASE flooding over you and taking control of your hearing. 2D chuckled and waved his hand down, as a sign for everyone to calm down. "Ah've already picked tha' person to choose et'... and maybe join me o' stage if she wants ta'?" He nodded to you.

Your brain exploded. It was as if everyone and everything in your life stood still, it was only you and him.

The people around you looked at you in shock, jealous that he chose you over them, their tits hanging out of their tiny crop tops.

You were wearing a comfortable flannel, rolled up to your elbows. It was kind of like a jacket for the black tanktop you were wearing to go alone with your black vans and dark blue ripped jeans. Your hair was down, messy from you jumping around and screaming like a child. You were a bit embarrassed of all of that now, since he had obviously been looking at you for a while now.

You bit your bottom lip and pointed to yourself, and 2D simply responded with a nod. He offered you and hand, and you took it. Thankfully, you were both equally as sweaty, so you weren't nervous to give him your clammy hand.

He helped you up on stage, and soon you were standing beside him, looking out at what he had been all night. It was overwhelming. He towered over you, and looking up to him hurt your eyes on account of the lights, but you did so anyway.

And there it was again, that goofy crooked smile.

"Wots yewr name, luv?" He hummed, placing the microphone infront of your mouth.

"It's uh... (y-y/n). (Y/n) (l/n)."

"Where ah' yew fro'? Yew don' English."

"I'm from... the United States. New York. But I've lived here since college-"

The crowd seemed bored, so you spared them your life story. "Woa', das nice... so er... (y/n), wot song should ah' sing for yew ah'?"

You thought for a moment. Back to the first song of theirs you heard.

"Is... 19-2000 okay? If not I understand," your voice faded away as he pulled the microphone back to him. "19-2000 et is! Would yew... like to sing et wif me?"

This shit was a dream come true. You felt like you were on a rollercoaster, going straight up, filled with adrenaline and ready for the fast fall to the horrifying yet exhilarating twists and loops. Your brain took over the rest of your body, and you nodded.

The music started up, and the crowd screeched. Your knees got wobbly and you felt the need to vomit. But you kept it in for the sake of embarrassing yourself.

"The world is spinnin' too fast, I'm buyin' Nike shoes..." and there it was. The quick drop.

You had to sing the chorus.

2D began to dance around you as you remained in place, still shocked that this was real life. Once it got to Noodles part, you took a deep breath, and began to sing to your best ability as he galloped like an excited foal around you. He grabbed hold of your hand.

He spun you around, singing the chorus with you, almost to encourage you to go louder. So, wrapped up in the moment, you did.

The crowd grew louder, full of screams and cheers. You had gone to college for theater, hoping to be in a musical, but you had never in your wildest hopes and dreams thought you'd be on the stage with your musical inspiration.

Once the first chorus was over, he let go of your hand, and you were left to dance alone. You didn't dance as much as him, because you still felt like you were going to be sick. But in a good way, of course.

It went on for what felt like forever, and you didn't want it to end. But all good things come to and end. At the end of the song, he hugged you. Held you tight. And you hugged him back. "(Y/n), everybod'ay!!" He exclaimed, holding your hand up by the wrist.

The people infront of you were clapping and whooping, and you were too.

2D helped you off of the stage and did a small end of the era speech. Although it was hard to understand fully, it was heartfelt, no doubt about it.

The concert area emptied at the night came to an end. But you stayed. You needed to ask why he chose you.

You waited a good hour until he came back onto the stage to gather his things. You sprinted back to the front, nearly tripping over your own wobbly legs. "Mister 2D!" You called out, pressing your stomach against the stage and reaching out to him. "Wh...why did you pick me?"

He spun around on his heel, his deep dark eyes immediately meeting yours. He smiled. "Yew've got ah' spark in yew... 'ere." He strolled over to you, digging around in his skinny jean pockets. He pulled out a sharpie and squated down. He began to write something on your wrist, reading it aloud as he did.

It was his number.

"C-call meh if yew... want... ta' get somethin' fo' lunch. Ah'd luv to hear about yewr time in New Jersey."

You were too star struck to correct him. You simply gave him another dazed nod, and he stood up and walked away.

When he was writing your name, you couldn't tell if it was the lights or blush, but 2D's usually pale face was blood red. But then again, yours was too.

You walked back into your dorm room that night, your stomach full of butterflies and your head full of fuzz.

"How was the concert?~" cooed your friend Hannah from the kitchen. You looked at the clock, it was nearly 2 in the morning.

"I'll save you the details but, it was..." You glanced to your wrist and felt a smile climb back onto your face. "Fucking amazing."


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