chapter 7

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The club you arrived to was full of men and women grinding on either them or each other. As soon as you stepped foot into the bar, men near the entrance being eyeing you, whistling and cat calling you. But you ignored them. The lights were primarily bright green and blue, flashing on the dance floor but not as severe at the bar. You took a seat on a stool away from the people and called the bartender over. He was rather handsome, actually. He had a scruffy look, jet black hair and a perfect smile. "What can I getcha' luv?~"

"What's the strongest thing you've got?"
"Volcano, has rum and-"
"Give me two."

He looked a bit shocked, but simply nodded and winked. As you waited for the drink, you scanned the bar stools next to you. You were two seats away from a couple tounging to your left, and a seat away from a man in a leather jacket and a bowl cut on your right. When you spotted him, he looked your way, his eyes lifting from the grin forming on your face. But the bartender grabbed your attention again. "Here ya' go. You here alon'?" You took a sip of the drink and your nose scrunched up. That shit was strong, no doubt about it. "Yeah uh... just getting over someone." The bartender looked you up and down and bit his bottom lip. "Who was 'e?"

"You'll never believe this but..." You looked to your right quickly, the man was staring. You leaned over and smiled. "2D from Gorillaz. I sang with him on stage and then we went to lunch and... then he... vanished." By the end of your short story you felt like crying all over again. The bartender raised his eyebrows and nodded. "You'll get ova' 'im for the night, dont'cha worry luv. There's a lot ov' nice men 'ere tonight... lots are single.~" You giggled and sighed through your nose, finishing the rest of one drink. "I hope so."

Two men all over each other came up next to you and stole the bartenders direction, and you were alone again. You turned around on your stool and looked out at the crowd. You rested your elbows on the counter behind you and began to sip on your second drink. It was already starting to hit you. The bodies in the crowd blended together under the flashing lights. A blur of green and blue grinding on each other. "Why don't ah' buy yah anotha' drink?"

You looked over to your right so fast that the room spun. "I... wha?"

The man chuckled, a raspy laugh that made you shudder. He had moved over and sat next to you. You could spell the rum and cigarettes that had soaked into his skin. "Can. I. Buy. Yah. Anotha. One?" He had a fucked up nose, grimy teeth, and a sloppy black bowl cut. But he did have a rather nice jawline and nice eyes, one red and one so dark it appeared black. His skin looked green, but it was probably because of the light and liquor. "Uh, oh sure. Sorry I'm a little, tipsy." You didn't want to admit you were beginning to get shitfaced and have this weirdo come on to you. "Heh, ight darlin'. I heard yah sing tha' otha' night and I ehhh, have a job for yah' if yah're up to it." You shrugged and looked back out to the dancefloor. "Does it involve sex?"

The man scoffed and waved for the bartender. "Ah'm not tha sex craved maniac yah makin' me out ta' be. Et's ta' get you out n' the world with yah lovely voice~" he purred. He proceeded to order you a drink as you thought about his offer. "Is it for like, a musical?" You asked, peering at him from the corner of your eyes. "No no, et's actually for an album!" He took a shot of whatever it was he ordered and then tapped the counter for another one.

You turned back around and took a shot too. "What band?"

"... et's a new one yah haven't eva' heard of. The only thing es' that yah would need to come with me to a recordin' studio startin' tonight. We can go getcha' clothes and you can meet Snoop Dogg!" He exlaimed. His enthusiasm made you giggle. "You know what? Alright. I'll take your offer. What's your name?"

He grinned, showing off his pointy, dirty teeth. "Nic....Nick." He gave you a hand. "'Ow about you?"

"(Y/n)." You shook his hand, and just like that, you might as well had sold your soul to the devil.

Two hours later, you were shit faced and not afraid to admit it. You and Nick practically fell out of the taxi when it arrived at your dorm. "One sec... lemme... go get some clothing! Come help me pick some stuff out." You slurred. "But hands off! I'm saving myself for Jesus~" you playfully smacked his hand and the both of you laughed. Once in your room, you tossed your purse onto your bed and yanked out your phone and wallet. "Go through my dresser and," You stopped to hold your mouth from throwing up, "pick some cute clothing." Nick nodded and stumbled over to your dresser, pulling out every pair of your shorts, some socks, lots of panties, a bathing suit, and some shirts. He didn't bother to leave them folded, simply throwing them to the floor. "Get yah own back I needa' piss." He stood up and swayed as he walked to the bathroom. You laughed and called out after him, "Piss in the sink!"

You pulled a suitcase from under your bed and stuffed your clothes, your wallet, your phone and phone charger, vans, and your makeup bag from your nightstand. "I'm packed and ready to go! Let me actually get some... drinks!" You dashed to the kitchen, grabbed your water bottles of vodka, and strolled back to your bed and suitcase like you were king of your drunken world. Nick came out of the bathroom and clasped his hands together. "Lets get goin'!"

You were both laughing, drunk messes in the halls and in the taxi cab. Nick gave the driver instructions on where to go, and you watched the buildings you passed from your window. You were dozing off, but solved that problem by drinking more. Once you were at your destination, you hopped out of the car, expecting to see a large studio. But around you was just water and a dock. You looked at Nick, confused. "Where the fuck are w-" He cut you off, placing a long grimy finger to your lips. "Take this, luv~"

He swiftly slipped a pill into your mouth. It tasted disgusting, but you shrugged and took it with some more vodka. Your knees weakened and you looked around again. "Really where are we." It was a statement rather than a question.

"Ah'll tell yah where were goin... Plastic Beach..." His words faded and so did your vision. "Plastic... what?" You fell yourself falling. Your head slammed on the pavement and tour eyes shut, the only noise left being ringing and laughter.

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