chapter 6

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You didn't sleep, and you felt too sick to go to your classes, so you decided not to. Hannah had never come home, but when you checked your phone, she had said it was fine and that she was staying with her boyfriend. You rubbed your eyes and exhaled deeply. You still couldn't believe 2D bailed on you. You turned over and looked at the time. It was around noon, so you decided it was time to get up, regardless of if you were going to your classes or not. You swung your legs over the side of the bed and stood up, your knees shaky. You moved your phone from the bed over to your nighstand and plugged it in, turning the volume all the way up before heading to the kitchen.

Since you couldn't exactly drink in college, and you were legal age to, you put vodka in water bottles and let them sit on the bottom shelf of the fridge. You grabbed one. Not bothering to pour some into a glass, you drank it straight from the bottle. The liquor trickled down tour throat and stung, causing your mouth to water and you nostrils to burn. Bottle still in hand, you examined the mini fridge further. You needed to go shopping soon. You groaned at the thought and pulled out one of the last few eggs you had. The pan was still out from when you had washed it, so you placed it on the burner you had out on your counter and turned it on. Next, you sprayed some butter on the pan, and then set the egg down carefully next to your cooking setup and waited for the pan to heat.

You leaned back against the counter on the other side of the room and took another swig of the vodka. You weren't really one to drink, especially not day drink, but you were just too hurt to let the pain fester and turn into tears. So you decided to numb it. And along with that thought, while you were staring down at the bottle, you decided to go out tonight. You smiled to yourself at the thought, but more of a forced smile than a genuine one. Once the pan began to sizzle, you strolled back over and cracked the egg. You'd usually have more than just an egg for breakfast, but you weren't hungry.

You were still in your panties and bra, your hair a mess and your makeup smudged. But since you were alone, you really didn't care.

You grabbed a paper plate, a plastic fork, and a salt shaker. You turned the burner off and slid the egg onto your plate, placing the pan into the sink for someone else to deal with. Plate in one hand, and bottle of vodka in other, you walked to your bed and sat on the foot of it. You took a sip of the vodka, and then began to eat your egg. The strong liquor made your stomach churned and you were starting to feel tipsy, so you closed the bottle and placed it to the left of you. Although you added salt, the egg was bland and you forced it down. Day one, and things were already going back to being bland and pointless. You crumbled up the plate and tossed it across the room into the trashcan, and then threw yourself backwards on your bed. Only an hour had passed. You had nothing other than your night out on the town to look forward to, so you slept.

"(Y/n)"... his voice was loud and clear, but he still seemed distant. Your eyes opened, you were immediately alert. You were no longer in your dorm, but you were in the middle of a lush field, the grass up to your midthighs. You couldn't seem to find the sun as you looked above you, but it was still bright out. The colors surrounding you were soft pastels... all but the bright blue hair waving in the wind, far far from you. It was him. You choked on your breath trying to call out to him. You couldn't speak. Although he was far, you could see him turn around. You squinted, he was smiling at you. He was laughing. You scoffed and twisted around to see if there was something behind you. There wasn't. He was laughing at you. You spun on your heel to look at him again. But he was gone. The world began to grow dark.

You shot up, you head pounding. It was dark outside now. You checked the time, your clock read 8:30 PM. You exhaled through your nose, relieved it was a dream. You slowly stood up, and walked to your closet. You grabbed the short, tight fitting black dress that was hung up between various flannels and some of Hannah's clothing. You nodded and threw it backwards onto your bed. You checked your phone.

No new messages.

You shrugged and set it back down.

You made sure the shower was hot. You kept your hair dry to save time, but you shaved your entire body and exfoliated. You used your softest towel while drying off, and opened the bathroom door to get the steam out. You opened your makeup bag and pulled out some eyeliner and bright red lipstick. You were going to stand out tonight, and get over the blue haired bastard. It took you around half an hour to get ready, your hair curled and your makeup done exquisitely.

Next was your dress. You put on a push up bra and a thong and slipped your dress on. You used some of Hannah's Victoria's Secret perfume, grabbed a black purse to put your wallet, phone and key in, put your shoes on, and took another swig of vodka.

You looked at yourself one last time in the mirror and smirked.

You slammed the door behind you.

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