Waves And The Russian

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Good luck on your date!

Malli smiles down at the screen, even though Chris and her hadn't done much lately she still backed her up, and she was grateful for it.

One last glance in the mirror and Malli nods in approval.

Simple jeans, a cosy but flattering dark grey sweater and her hair loose, glasses on and a pair of vans around her feet.

Not a second after her phone lights up, a message from Sebastian, saying that he's outside. She quickly grabs her keys and heads out the door, locking her apartment and checking once more.

She quickly goes through the hallway and out the door, the early night sky illuminating everything in some sort of bitter sweet coldness.

Right by the door stands Sebastian, leaned against a grey Audi. He smiles at her, pushing himself off the car.

He opens the door and stands, waiting for her to jump in. Malli walks past him, giving him a smile.

"Hi." She utters out.

"Hello." He closes the door behind her and walks around, sitting down and fastening his seatbelt. He looks over at her, holding onto the key and smiling.

"You ready?" He asks, excitement in his soft voice. Malli looks over his choice of clothing, almost laughing. He's wearing a pair of dark jeans and an almost white sweater.

They are practically matching, she thinks.

"I guess, you didn't tell me where we are going so..." She te's a small laugh slip past her lips and he grins at her.

"That's kinda the point of a surprise you know." He smiles, starting the engine and driving off.

Lights just pas by. Other cars, headed on other roads, different directions.

"How was your week?" He asks her, eyes going over to her for just a second before focusing back on the road.

"It was okey, boring and all, but still good. How bout yours?"

"It was fantastic, we learned a lot, got a bunch of new intel on how the system treats different cases and why they do what they do the way they do. At least some basics. We met with some dude in a suite yesterday that held an hour long speech about himself and how great he is." Sebastian smiles, changing gears and heading out onto the highway.

"For real, where are we going?" Malli asks, a smile of excitement on her lips as she tries to look at the signs and finding out where they are headed.

"S-U-R-P-R-I-S-E." Sebastian spells it out for her and she looks at him with a grin and a raised eyebrow, making him laugh whole heartedly.

"Do you mind if I put on some music?" Malli asks, her phone already in hand.

"Sure, go ahead." Sebastian motions for her to start up.

Malli grabs the AUX cord and plugs in her phone, putting on her 'good mood' list on spotify.

Neopolitan dreams nilow remix plays and she taps her fingers in tact to the music.


"I think my life is boring." Chris huffs out. "I mean I have nothing to do, no plans, no ideas, nothing... and I mean it's friday."

She keeps looking at the ceiling, her arms spread across her bed as she lays on the back, continuously talking.

"I mean don't you think that I should have at least something up my sleeve?" She huffs, turning to her side and looking eye to eye with her stuffed donkey with a ripped out ear.

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