Marriage or War

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Y/n -Your name
D/n - Dogs name
V/n - Village name
L/n - Last name


Laurence and I walked back to the party. When we got there everyone looked like they were enjoying themselves. I yawned and started walking towards the woods.

   " Hey, where are you going?"

I turned around to see Garroth.

   " Well I'm tired so I'm going to go and sleep."

   " In the woods?"

   " Ya in the woods. Where else?"

   " Well, you could sleep in the tree."

   " Will it be okay?"

   " Of course! Why wouldn't it be?"


   " Okay. Well, let me walk you there."

   " I can get there on my own."

   " I know, but I wouldn't be a gentleman if I let you go alone."

I rolled my eyes " fine." Then we started walking. We made it to the tree and I started climbing the steps while Garroth trailed behind me. When I got to the ladder I turned towards Garroth.

   " You can go now."

   " Okay okay. God night malady." He kissed my hand and ran off. I climbed the ladder and got into a bed and fell asleep.

                                                                   ( Dream )

I was walking through Phoenix Drop. The place was empty and on fire. I walked towards the docks and I started seeing bodies. I ran. I ran towards the barn and I saw even more. I ran to the plaza to see Laurence, Aphmau, Katlyn, Aaron, and Garroth standing there. They looked like they were about to cry.

   " How could you!" Aphmau screamed.

   " You did this!" Laurence said.

   " You brought them here!" Katlyn said.

   " You said you wouldn't harm us!" Aaron shouted.

   " After everything We did for you!" Garroth shouted.

I started backing up as they came closer. Then I saw Garroth run at me with his sword. I blocked it. Then I could see the scenery change. I was back in a familiar place. I was back in V/n. It was in ashes. A few buildings stood up, but others were blackened and burned down. I stood kneeling in the center crying. Then it turned and faced me.

   " It's all your fault!"

The other me started running for me. Then it leaped for me-

                                                 ( Dream over )

I woke up with a start. I was breathing heavily. I got out of the bed and started walking down the tree. I walked into the forest. I started cutting down trees.

   " Bark." I turned around and seen D/n I smiled at them. They barked again and ran off. I kept chopping down trees. Finally when I was done. D/n came back with a few fish.

   " Thanks." I crouched to his/her height and petted them. We started walking back to the village and I started working on my house.

                                                          ( Time skip )

I finally got done with my house. It was exactly like I wanted it.

   " Hey Y/n good job on the house." 

I turned around to see Garroth.

   " Thanks. I think I did a pretty good job."

   " Are you kidding that's great."

   " Again thanks."

   " Not a problem. Oh, I also came bearing news."

   " Oh. Good or bad?"

   " Well. That's just it. Someone is requesting for you at the gates."

   " Okay. Mind leading me there?"

   " Not at all."

Then we started walking towards the gate. When we got there I saw a few guards, but not many.

   " Are you Y/N L/N?"

   " Depends who's asking?"

   " The High Priest of O'khasis."

Then a man walked through the guards. I knew him well. It was Zane. 

   " Zane."

   " Good to see you again. Now would you please kindly follow me."

   " No."

   " Hmmm. Alright then-"

   " Wait how do you know Zane?" Aphmau asked.

   " A year ago his guards found me and he tried to get me to marry him."

   " That's right and I have come back for my bride, " he said.

   " Wait you're here for Y/n?"

   " Ya, I am. Let's make a deal I'll either take Y/n or this village will be destroyed."

I knew what I needed to do. I started walking forward when Garroth stopped me.

   " Try us."

   " As you wish."

Then they left. Then I felt a hug from behind. I looked and seen that it was Garroth.

   " Are you really Y/n L/n?"

   " Yes, I am Gar Gar."

He smiled and hugged me tighter.

   " What's going on right now?" Laurence asked.

   " Y/n was my childhood friend before her family left O'khasis. It's great to see you again Y/N!"

He hugged me once again.

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