Ben's Past and Future

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Ben and walked hand in hand down a path leading into the forest. Everyone was in front while I was walking with Ben in the back. I looked down at Ben and he looked up at me. He looked tired. I picked him up and sat him on my arm as he leaned his head against my shoulder. Eventually we reached a river and started setting up camp.

   " When will we be back at Phoenix Drop?"

   " We should be there tomorrow afternoon." Laurence said.

I nodded and went into one of the tents and laid Ben down in the sleeping bag. I walked back outside and sat on a log by the fire. Garroth came and sat by me.

   " So how was Evelyn's wedding?"

   " It was great. It would have been better if you where there though. Emmalyn was going to cancel it until we decided to have it a few days later."

   " That's good."

   " Hey Y/n when is your birthday?"

   " Ummm it's soon actually. It should be a month from now."

   " Oh well how old will you be?"

   " I'll be 21."

   " I'll still be a year older than you then."

   " Hey!"

We started laughing.

   " So your a mother now."

   " Ya. I'm happy that I have Ben."

   " When did you adopt him?"

  " Well I was walking one day when-

                                                                    ( Flashback )

I watched as a boy was pushed down.

   " That's why no one will ever adopt you!"

   " No y-your wrong!"

   " No I'm not..."

The bully pushed him.

   " ...I'm never wrong!"

Just when he was about to kick I ran over there.

   " Hey what's going on over here!"

   " None of your business lady!" 

   " I believe it is if your going to pick on an innocent boy."

   " He's not innocent!"

    " Oh? What has he done to provoke you then?"

   " He was being mean to me. Calling me ugly words."

I looked down at the fallen boy. He had tears in his eyes and was shaking his head no. I picked him up and held him.

   " Where is your guardian?"

   " A-at the orphanage."

I walked with the boy to the orphanage. I talked to the woman about the crying boy. She walked out and started yelling at both of the boys. She came back in and asked if there was anything else.

   " Yes actually I would like to adopt."

She smiled and we walked out into the living room and I seen a lot of children.

   " Pick which one you want."

I walked around and looked. A lot of kids asked me what I was doing or if I would adopt them. I looked around and seen a little boy in the corner. I walked over to him and sure enough it was the crying boy.

   " What's your name?"

   " B-Ben."

   " Well Ben would you like to come home with me?"

He jumped on me hugging me.

   " Yes! Yes please!"

I laughed and carried him to the guardian. I signed the papers and walked out of there with Ben.

                                                         ( Flashback over )

   " Wow."

   " Ya."

   " So Ben's just a sweet kid."

   " Ya. I love him. He's always asked about a father,but I would always tell him when I meet the right guy."

   " Well that's-"

   " Mama!!"

I ran to his tent and seen him crying.

   " Ben it's okay. Your okay your safe."

I hugged Ben to my chest and whispered happy things into his ear. He calmed down enough to tell em what happened.

   " I seen you laying on the ground frozen. I seen a thing of ice all around you."

I felt my eyes widen in the realization.

   " Ben you need to go back to bed. That's not going to happen okay?"

He nodded and laid down. I walked outside with Garroth. We walked to the river and sat down.

   " To think I actually forgot about your curse."

   " I don't blame you. I forgot about it too......................Hey Garroth?"

   " Ya."

   " If it ever comes to that point where I'll be frozen raise Ben for me please."

   " Y/n that won't happen...

He grabbed my shoulders and turned me towards him and he looked at me in the eyes.

   " ...l make sure it won't happen."

I nodded and gazed into his eyes. He gazed back into mine. He started leaning in. 

   " Garroth! Y/n!! Where are you guys!?"

Garroth and I leaned away.

   " Everytime."

I giggle at Garroth's frustration. Laurence came from the direction of the camp site and found us.

   " Guys come on you two need your sleep for the journey tomorrow."

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