Day 1: Laurence

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I woke up and realised that today was Laurence's day. I got up and got dressed in an outfit Cadenza gave me.

I sat on my couch and played with Ben while waiting for Laurence

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I sat on my couch and played with Ben while waiting for Laurence. I heard a knock at the door and I went to answer it. I opened the door to see Laurence standing there with a bouquet of roses.

" Aww Laurence you didn't need to."

" Of course I did. I had to try to find something close to your beauty."

" Well thank you."

I took the flowers and set them on a table while Ben ran to Laurence.

" Hi Laurence."

" Hey kiddo. How you doing?"

" I'm good. Are you dating my momma?"

I blushed at this. I grabbed Ben's shoulder's and made him face me.

" Ben your to young to think about that stuff."

" No I'm not and if a guy is going to date you i need to know so I can see if they are right for you."

" Ben why don't you head to Aphmau's house and play with Levin."

" Yay Levin!"

Then he ran to Aph's house.

" Nice kid there."

" Thanks. I don't know where he gets it from."

We laughed and we started walking around town. We made our way through the village and looked at the scenery. Then he blindfolded me.

" Why are you blindfolding me?"

" I want to show you something."

" Okay. Just don't let me hit a tree."

" Okay."

He started guiding me through the village and we entered the forest cause the ground felt softer then concrete. Then after what felt like miles we stopped.

" Okay you ready?"

" Ya."

He took the blindfold off and I seen a field of flowers.

He took the blindfold off and I seen a field of flowers

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" Laurence this is beautiful."

" Not as beautiful as you."

I blushed. Then Laurence grabbed my hand and we started running through the field of flowers. Laurence accidently tripped and fell with me on top of him. The collision made flowers fly every where. Laurence and I just laughed it off. I got off of Laurence and laid on my back beside him. I looked at him once I calmed down to find him starring at me. Then he grabbed me and hugged me as we laid there. I hugged him back.

" Y/n even if you don't pick me I will still be your best friend okay?"

" Thank you Laurence. I hope I can decide in time."

" Me too. I'd rather you not be frozen."

" I don't think it would be that bad in all honesty."

" Don't say that."

" Why not?"

" Cause it sounds like your accepting death."

" Cause I am. I don't know what I can do."

Laurence pulled away from the hug and looked at me.

" Y/n all I can say is to pick and soon. If you can't then at least spend every moment that you have left with someone."

I nodded a yes. I sat up and so did Laurence. I looked out at the field of flowers when I turned my gaze to Laurence. He just starred at me. Then he leaned in and kissed me roughly. I melted into the kiss and kissed back. He picked me up and set me in his lap. He licked my lip asking for an entrance. I playfully denied. He pulled away and looked at me.

" Okay so what did I say just a few seconds ago about spending every minute with someone?"

" To spend my time with Ben and not you."

" That's not- Why did you--"

I laughed at his reaction and fell on my back into the flowers laughing. He looked at me and smirked. While I was laughing he got on top of me and straddled m waist. He had both hands beside my head.

" Why do you not listen?"

" Cause it's fun not to listen."

Then he crashed his lips onto mine again and I kissed back. His hands grabbed mine as they were pinned to the ground. He licked my lip asking for an entrance again and again I playfully denied. One of his hands left mine and his hand grazed my butt. Then he grabbed it with made me gasp. He took this opportunity to slip is tongue into my mouth. We made out for 3 more minutes until he pulled away. My face was a blushing mess while his had alight pink tint. Then I seen an acorn thrown at his head.

" Ow!"

I looked around and didn't see anyone.

" You okay?" I said sitting up.

" Ya the acorn just hit me right in the head."

" Maybe we should go."

" Ya it's getting late anyway."

" Ya. " He got up then he helped me get up.

We started walking back. It started getting cold I shivered a little bit.

" Hey you cold?"

" No I'm fine."

Then I felt him put his jacket around my shoulders along with his arm.

" Your stubborn."

" Your the same."

When I got home I opened up my door.

" Thanks Laurence today was fun."

" Not a problem."

Then he kissed me and I kissed him.

" Hey!"

We pulled away to see Ben at the door.

" Don't kiss my mommy!"

Then he shut the door. I waved by to Laurence out the window. He did the same and walked off.

( Laurence's P.O.V. )

Today was perfect until Garroth or Aaron threw that acorn. I'll get them back.

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