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                                                            ( Laurence's P.O.V. )

No Cadenza why? Welp I'll have to just follow them to he house. I started to run towards Cadenza's house. when I got there I went inside. I seen Cadenza run down the stairs then she grabbed a pillow and a blanket.

   " Here." 

She handed me the pillow and blanket. and grabbed another pair. Then ran upstairs. Immediately she came back downstairs.

   " Cadenza calm down."

   " I can't  Laurence this is the first time I've seen you interested in a girl."

I started blushing.

   " What!?"

   " Well you're so smooth with girls, but with this one I can see a difference."

   " Cadenza! Just shut up."

   " So you do like her!"

   " I never said-"

   " I can tell in your face Laurence. Your blushing."

I closed my mouth and turned around. I set up the pillow and blanket on the couch. I ignored Cadenza screaming at me. Then finally I noticed that I didn't hear the nagging. I looked around and seen the lights off and the shades were down.

   " Was I zoned out that long?"

I walked upstairs and looked around. I walked to Cadenza's room and opened the door. I seen her on the bed with Y/n sleeping on the floor. With a pillow and a blanket. I smiled. I walked over to her. I gently picked her up. She snuggled into my chest. I chuckled a little. I walked downstairs. I set her on the couch and pulled the overs over her. I walked back upstairs and brought down the pillow and blanket. I set it up on the floor. I sat on the floor and looked at Y/n's sleeping figure. I leaned in and kissed her forehead. Then I laid down on the floor with the blanket.

                                                              ( Hours later )

I woke up to see no one else awake. I sat up and looked around. I looked at the couch and seen Y/n still asleep. I smiled and petted her head. I stood up and put the blanket and pillow away. I went to the kitchen and started making breakfast.

                                               ( Your P.O.V. )

I woke up to the smell of Bacon and eggs. I sat up and realized that I was on the couch.

   " Didn't I sleep in Cadenza's room?"

   " You did."

I lokked over at the kitchen and seen Laurence cooking breakfast.

   " But I moved you to the couch so you'd be more comfortable."

   " Oh...............thank you Laurence."

   " Not a problem. Want some breakfast?"

   " Yes please."

I stood up and my vision turned dark. I sat back down on the couch and held my head.

   " You okay?"

My vision came back to me quickly.

   " Ya just stood up to quickly."

   " Ha that happens to me a lot."

I stood up and walked to the table and started eating. Cadenza came down eventually and started eating.

   " By the way Y/n I have some clothes for you to wear." Cadenza said.

   " Thank you Cadenza."

   " Not a problem. I just hope it fits you."

I finished eating and walked upstairs and started changing.

I finished eating and walked upstairs and started changing

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I walked downstairs. I seen Laurence ready by the door. He was tlaking to Cadenza. Then he noticed me. I could see his face turning red. Cadenza turned around and smiled.

   " I'm so glad it fits."

   " Thanks again Cadenza."
   " Not a problem. I'll see you both back at Phoenix Drop."

   " Your not coming with us?"

   " No I have some things I need to do here then I'll leave. So I'll so you guys there."

I hugged her and I walked over to Laurence. He just stared at me. I waved my hand infront of his face. He snapped out of it and opened the door for me. Then we started walking home. We continued to walk. It kind of felt uncomfortable though. I'm not used to my leags showing.

   " You know this dress is a little uncomfortable."

   " How?"

   " Well it shows of a lot of my body. Like my legs and arms. I'm used to them being covered incase I was attacked."

   " W-well I think you look beautiful."

   " Awww thank you Laurence. I think I'll like wearing dresses ( Not me at all.  I LOVE JEANS!! )"

   " I know you will."

I blushed a little bit. We continued to walk until we erached the gate. When the gate opened Aphmau came running through along with Aaron, and Garroth.

   " Don't ever leave like that again!"

   " What?"

   " Why did you give yourself up?!"

   " Cause I didn't want to burden you all. I'm just one person. A war over one person is stupid. I thought that if I just gave myself over then the war would stop."

   " Y/n you are not just one person! Your our friend. and we weren't going to let you get married against your will."

I hugged her.

   " Thank you Aphmau."

She nodded.

   " Now let's all go back to my house I have a lot of questions for you two."

   " I aswell have questions for you."

   " Let's go then."

Don't Forget Me ( MCD Boy's x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now