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A little girl was walking around a dark, cold corridor aimlessly walking forward looking for some sign of life.Where am I? She wondered. She then heard the crackling and suddenly the entire corridor was blazing with fire. She let out a panicked shriek and ran as fast as she could down through the hall and finally a door appeared to be at end. She pushed herself to run even faster and reached it. She grabbed the handle but quickly let go in pain. The fire caused the handle to heat up and it burnt her but she grabbed it again and with all her strength she managed to turn the nob and burst trough the door. She fell on her hands and knees. She was in pain, out of breath and scared about the whole thing. Where was she? Why did the hall catch on fire? Where's her family? Are they safe? The questions kept rambling in her head until she realized how and quiet it was in the room. She sat on the ground and looked around. There were many shelves filled with books and all the windows in the room were boarded shut. In front of her was a fireplace that was unlit. In front of it though was an armchair turned facing towards the fireplace. She jumped when she heard a book close and looked up to see a tall muscular figure stand up from the chair. It was facing away from her not moving an inch. She was frozen to her spot on the floor scared of the colossal figure that stood before her.
"I truly wonder" said the figure she now new from its voice was a man.
"How did such a young child get past Pet Shop and Vanilla Ice" he finished saying.
The longer she stared up at him the more detail she could see of him. The most notable to her being his blonde hair and the star on his shoulder. She knew that her grandpa, mom and brother had one and her mom said that everyone from grandpa's side of the family was always born with that birthmark so? That means this man was her relative right?
"U-um m-mister are you my r-relative"
He seemed to be shocked by the little girls question.
"What gives you that idea"
"Well you have my family's star on your shoulder"
" that so tell me what is your name"
Before she could finishes her sentence she began to fade away and the man stared at her in shock watching her existence seemingly slip away. That's what she saw and then...
She woke up.
You woke up on the middle of the night. You wonder what that dream was and who that man was and he seemed so familiar. Then you began to think of all worst answers for those question and scared yourself so much she couldn't sleep. You then decided the only way get some sleep was to snuggle with the most comforting person in this house.
Big brother Jotaro.
You grabbed your lightest, fluffiest blanket and wrapped it tightly around your body. You grabbed the handle and hesitated a second before opening it in one swift motion. You bolted down to Jotaro's room opened the door as quickly as possible and slammed it shut taking deep breaths to calm herself before realize that Jotaro was still up. He looked over at her from the bed and scooted over for you as you ran over and climbed onto the bed.
"Another bad dream?"
"Kinda I think I just scared myself but I can't fall back asleep"
He closed his book on marine biology and sat it on his nightstand. He lifted the covers for you and you nestled yourself in. He and shut off the lamp and turned facing away from you.
"Goodnight Jotaro" you said sitting up kissing his cheek and snuggling back into the cover almost immediately falling asleep. Jotaro then turned to face you on the bed kissing your fore head before say "Goodnight (y/n)"
??? POV
He stared at the spot the girl was before she vanished. He thought to himself "So that was one of Jonathan's descendants it had to be if she said her family had stars on their shoulders. Not only that but I felt a connection with her. I can sense three others like her now.
This will be interesting.

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