Grandpa and ...fried Chicken?

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Me and mama stood in the airport looking around for Grandpa. You'd think it'd be easy to spot the giant man but Jojo's hat makes it hard to see. Yeah I kept his hat! If he wants it back he has to come out and get it. Ò^Ó

"Over here papa!" Mama hollered raising her arms to get grandpa's attention.
"Ah there's my girls" he said shoving a man to get over to us. He gave mama a hug.
"Thanks for coming papa"
"Haha my daughter needs me give me a day and I'll travel across the globe" he then looked down at me before picking me up.
"And of course for my only granddaughter" he then threw me up and down in the air.
"Higher pop pop" I shouted giggling. It had been so long since I had seen him, I almost forgot why he was here in my excitement. Mama explained everything though and grandpa got serious. With a snap of his fingers we left along with a mysterious man grandpa brought with him.

On our way to the jail I couldn't help but stare at the mystery man. He was so different from people I had usually seen and he had an air of seriousness but also a calm to him. Pretty sure I made him nervous with all my staring and the fact no help had come from mama and grandpa who were to focused on the current situation.
"What's your name mister?"
"It's Muhammad Avdol, little one"
"Moo-ham-add Avdol?"
"Just Avdol is fine"
"Ok! So how do you know Grandpa?"
He smiled down at me " Mr. Joestar and I are friends who met after he gained his stand"
"So grandpa and you have guardian angels too?"
"Haha in a sense yes though it's more of a ability from our fighting spirit"
"Oh! I wonder what mine will be"
"Only time will tell little one"

Eventually we made it back to the jail where Grandpa confronted Jojo. Of course Jojo refused and toke off Grandpas fake finger.
"Jojo! That was really mean, why are you so grumpy!?" I yelled at him puffing out my cheeks.
He just rolled his eyes. Then before I knew it a fight broke out between Jojo and Avdol. His stand was amazing and controlled fire at will. Though mama and I were scared we watched the fight till the end with no winner and a irritated Jojo.
"You asked me to remove him from the cell and I did" Avdol told Grandpa. Before Jojo could say anything I laughed and hugged Avdol, much to everyone's shock.
"That was amazing! Your angel is so cool and he's a magician too! Can he make Jojos hat disappear or, or uh pull a bunny out of his hat! Oh wait he doesn't have a hat? Uh maybe his pockets?" I finished my rant and Avdol seemed a bit overwhelmed by the my questions. He had expected me to have been scared of him now since he had attacked my brother and scared me with the fight.
"Ah well I'm sorry to disappoint but my stand can only control fire little one"
"I'm not disappointed Avdy! I can teach your angel magic cause mama bought me a magic book for my birthday!"
"Oh? Well I'm sure th- wait Avdy?"
"Yep your Uncle Avdy now cause you helped us and that makes us family!"
Then my stomach growled.

"Mama I'm hungry" Grandpa and mama laughed while Jojo rolled his eyes. Avdol was just shocked at my reaction. Grandpa picked me up and put an arm around mama.

"Well then let's celebrate Uncle Avdols joining of the family! What does my granddaughter want to eat?!"

"Hhhhhhmmmm fried Chicken"

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