Chapter 28 - The Landsmeet

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Several armoured men leapt from the nearby buildings and landed on the ground, their weapons drawn. The companions circled close to each other, their backs to one another. Ayu stood facing the base of the stairs, Zevran on her right. A tall human man with dark hair closed the door behind him and walked to the top of the first stair. He grinned and placed his hands on his hips.

"And so here is the mighty Grey Warden, at long last. The Crows send their greetings. Once again."

"Taliesen," Zevran said from beside the Warden.

"Oh and here he is, Zevran himself."

"Yes, it is I Taliesen, in the flesh. Now tell me did the Crows send you or did you volunteer?" The elf took a small step in front of Ayu. As he did so, the other Crow assassins began separating the party from Ayu and Zevran, corralling them between sharp weapons.

Taliesen began to slowly descend the stairs. "Why I volunteered of course. When I heard that the great Zevran had gone rogue, well I just had to see her for myself." Taliesen palmed one of his daggers. "It could only be a pretty face that would tempt you away."

"Leave her Taliesen and I will willingly go," Zevran stood fully between the Warden and the man.

Taliesen played with his dagger. "See, I don't think that's going to work. You were hired to kill the Warden and kill her we shall. The Crows will not be happy if she yet lives. Come on Zev," his voice held a pleading edge. "It'll be just like old times. You and me. No one can stop the pair of us. Not even a Grey Warden. Think of all the praise you'll receive, not to mention the glory. You will have done the impossible! Come back to the Crows Zevran. Leave this piece of ass and come back to me. Anyone can make a mistake. We'll make up a story."

Ayu had backed up a couple steps, away from the men. Zevran began to slowly prowl around her, a knife flashing at his waist. "Great glory?" He asked Taliesen. "You truly believe so? The Grey Wardens are royally hard to kill when they fight back."

"And it'll make for an even better story!" Taliesen opened his arms wide. "What do you say? Come on Zev. This isn't you. You're not some woman's pet, no matter how well you think she might treat you. You're an assassin just like me. We were made to be together. You think that fear in her eyes is from me? Oh no my friend, it's from you. She, even now, believes you are capable of killing her. Do it Zevran. She will never trust you."

"Zev?" Ayu's voice was quiet and thin.

"See? She bleats like a goat to the slaughter. She doesn't know you Zevran, not like I do. Come back to me."

Zevran continued to walk around Ayu, his eyes lost in thought. The small knife at his waist was now in his hand.

Ayu saw the steel flash in the sunlight. "No . . . Zev, no don't, please."

Zevran stood behind the Warden now. In one swift motion, he lunged forward, grabbing Ayu's chin and wrenched it up to the sky. The assassin slid his blade along her throat and Ayu began to gurgle as bright, red blood flowed down her chest. "You are right Taliesen. I am a Crow . . . and that's all I will ever be." He let the elven woman drop to her knees, throwing his knife into the ground, and continued to walk around her.

"You!" Wynne spat at him angrily with tears in her eyes. "After all she has done for you! This is how you repay her? I was wrong about you. We all were! You are nothing but a wretched cur!" The Crow men encircling the party brandished their weapons to keep the party in line.

Zevran cast a glance her way, his eyes filled with hurt, but he only got the mage's rage in return. He turned his head back, walking this time around Taliesen so the man stood between himself and the collapsed Warden.

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