Chapter 6

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After that argument with that malevolent I was in no mood to confront Chloe. I turned my face as I saw her approaching me.

"Sweety pie, it's enough now. I know you can't stay mad at me for long, so why don't you give up already?" She leaned over me playing her seductive blonde card once again. Shockingly, the girl whose closeness used to please me once was irritating me today. I couldn't bear her boobs peeking from her tee brushing over my face and I moved my face away from her.

"Chloe I have no interest in talking to you, so stay the fuck away from me", I said firmly.

She moved back, stood straight folding her arms over her chest. "Fine, I won't bother you now, but remember one thing Ethan, I will never forget this". She had challenge in her eyes, which I least cared about.

"Get lost", I said as I saw her turn around and move out of the cafeteria stomping her feet in frustration. The gradual fading sound of her clickings heels was so soothing at the moment.

"Hey Ethan, let's have a party to celebrate your come back." Joe said from across the table.

"Not a bad idea. What's the plan?" I asked taking a sip from my coke.

"We can have it at 'Infusion lounge' on Saturday."

"Cool", I said. "Inform everyone. Party is open for all", I said and stood up to leave.


"Son, we wanted to talk to you about something", dad said after a long silence at the dinner table.

I knew something was coming. Dad and mom coming together at my place just to surprise me was too cliché to be true. "What is it dad?", I asked looking at him.

"Listen Ethan, you know that you are our only son and both of us love you more than anything else in this world. You matter to us the most. We have been working so hard all our life for your better future and I expect you to take all my business in your hands one day". I knew where this conversation was going so I gave Dad a tired look. "Dad, we have already talked about this."

"No, we haven't. Listen Son, I agreed when you wanted to go for science instead of business. But ultimately you'll have to take care of all this."

"Why? Why can't you sell all of this and live rest of your life peacefully", I said standing up leaving my plate half finished.

"So, you want me to just throw all my hardwork of last twenty years away. How in god's heaven would that  bring peace to me, can you explain?" Dad threw the napkin across the table, and it came crashing right over my chest.

"Honey please calm down. We can do this another time", mom tried to pacify him who was glaring back at me from across the table.

"No Cathy, you know we can't delay this anymore. He has to understand his responsibilities. He is 18, an adult, how long do you think we should allow him to run away from his responsibilities".

"Responsibilities? And why do you think is it my responsibility to take care of your business?"

"Because unfortunately you are my only son", he said standing up.

"That is not my fault that you people didn't have anymore children, or maybe you couldn't have anymore children", I said shrugging my shoulder.

"Ethan, how could you?" Mom looked at me with teary eyes and I realised what I just said.

"Fuck", I ran my fingers through my hair and then took mom's hands in mine and said looking into her eyes which were now red and blurred, "I am sorry mom, I didn't intend to hurt you."

"If you didn't intend to hurt her then you should have thought before speaking", my dad tried putting salt on my burns.

I closed my eyes trying hard not to speak anymore hateful words. "It's alright Ethan, son I love you. We both love you a lot. And no matter what you decide for your future, we'll keep loving you", mom said and kissed on my forehead.

"Cathy!", Dad was still not convinced and satisfied.

"Bruce, please. We came here to wish him luck. We can have this conversation some other time", mom told dad and he finally gave up. Phewwww!


After my parents left I finally found some time to lie down. I had just closed my eyes when the loud voice of my cellphone's ringtone woke me up. Without looking at who it was I picked up the phone and placing it to my ears spoke, " Hello".

"Hi handsome, I heard that you had a break up with Chloe. Is it true?", Said the irritating female voice from the other side.

"Who is this?"

"It's Camila. We are in the biochemistry class together. Short hair, tall, 5'7", slim..."before she could bore me up with the self praising description of her's I interrupted, "Oh yes Camila. Of course I remember."

"Really? So you know who I am?", She screamed on the other side which was loud enough to break my phone in half, just the way those weird screaming singers do to the wine glass kept in front of them, which they break only with their high frequency screams, although I still wonder why people find it so fascinating.

"Of course , how can I not notice a beauty like yourself", I lied effortlessly and could imagine her chest growing up two inches with pride, or should I say boobs.

"Oh Ethan, you made me so happy. Why don't we meet tomorrow and go for lunch together maybe?"

"Sure", I said and hung up before she could bore me explaining how she fell in love with me when she saw me the first time ....bla...bla.bla.. I wish girls could just shut their mouth when with a guy. Speaking of irritating girls, this new girl could win a title of 'Miss Irritating' I am sure. If God had sent her instead of Eve with Adam, then probably human race would have ended before even starting. Along with being irritating, she is arrogant, egoistic and ugly. Ok maybe not ugly, but certainly not beautiful. Especially with those big glasses she wears. Or who knows those, maybe she wears those glasses to hide her ugly squinty eyes. God I hate her. It seems I hate her more than Chloe. Wait, why am I even thinking about her. She is a nobody. Sleep Ethan.


Hi everyone,

Sorry for posting after such a long time. I'll be posting more regularly from now on.

So, what are your opinion about Ethan? Love him? Hate him?

What do you think would happen at Ethan's party?

Please keep voting and commenting...

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