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*not edited*

| Louis' POV|

What the fuck?

I scramble away from Zayn and his now damaged wall. Why would he do that?

"Louis. Don't ever call me homophobic again, okay?"

My eyes widen. That's what upset him?

" Y-yes," I stutter, " if you aren't homophobic why do you always beat me up and call me fag? Huh?" My voice raises at the end; a sudden burst of courage flows through my veins.

" Well it's because I- never mind. I think you should go" he says cutting himself off. I stay planted on the bed frozen.

Should I tell him that I have no place to go? I could always go sleep on the bench in the park...and risk getting stabbed. Maybe it won't hurt like the first time. Haha, right.

"We have to finish our project." I mumble quietly thinking of an excuse.

Zayn rubs his temples.

"We'll do it another time. A lot has already happened today, don't you think?" Zayn says tensely.

I blink back tears. I can't go back home. He's gonna kill me when i get there. I'm not ready to die and when he's drunk there's no line between wrong and right. A single tear escapes my eye.

|Zayn's POV|

"We'll do it another time. A lot has already happened today, don't you think?" I say on edge.

I see Louis blinking back tears. Why is he crying? I groan and rest the pads of my thumb and middle finger to my forehead.

"Whats wrong now?" I say harshly. Louis looks up pitifully and murmurs something.

"What did you say?"

"I-I don't have anywhere to g-go." he says sniffling.

My heart instantly softens. I sit next to him again on the bed.

"What do you mean?" I inquire while rubbing soothing patterns in his back. Now he starts to bawl and sob uncontrollably. I hush him and slowly pull us both up on my bed. My hands grab his waist and pull his back flush to my chest as I rest my back on the headboard and Louis curled up on my lap.

"Shh. It's okay," I soothe him rocking him back and forth in my arms, "tell me what's wrong."

"H-h-he was hurting her-" his sentence was cut off by a choked sob. "He wouldn't stop."

"Who Louis? Who got hurt? Who wouldn't stop?! Louis?!"

I grow frantic now knowing that someone is endanger. Finally, he speaks.

"M-M-My dad. He was r-raping my mum." He breaks out into another round of tears. "He wouldn't stop."

Louis rests his head on my chest and softly paws at it trying to calm himself down. After a few minutes of quiet whimpers, his tears have subsided. He's finally calm and I can feel his warm breath ghosting across the surface of my chest.

"Did he do this?" I ask as I lightly touch the bruises on his torso and back. " Did he hurt you Lou?" my voice breaks at the end. How could someone do this to someone as innocent as Louis?

Louis nods his head in response to my question. He starts sniffling and I see his eyes get glossy again, he's going to cry.

"Oh Lou! I'm sorry don't cry. Here let's just go to sleep, okay? We don't have to talk about it now." Lou hums in agreement and I go to shut the light off. I hop back in bed and scoot towards Louis. I pull him closer into me and drape my left hand over his hip.

"It's going to be okay" I whisper and place a light kiss to his temple. I close my eyes and we both fall into a dreamless sleep.


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