Malik Residence

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Hai guys!! So before you start pulling out the whips and beating me for not updating let me explain. I have been trying to get into a good high school. I got in!! Anyway. Let's get on with the chapter.

^~^ Peace & Hair Grease ^~^

|Louis' POV|

What? Me and Zayn?!? But I'm attracted to him and he hates me. We'd be a mess. Yes I just admitted that I like him. His raven black hair, his slightly tanned skin, his plump pink lips, his warm smell, his everything.

When Mr. Olmete announced us as partners, Zayn tried to fight him on it. He managed to quiet down when threatened with a detention. After his defeat, Zayn turned to me.

"So fag face, when are we going to do this shit so I don't have to see you outside of school." He leaned in closer to me as he spoke, his harsh words hitting me like a boulder.

"'re..." I stuttered, completely lost in his eyes. It was hard forming words with Zayn's warm breath dancing in front of my face. The perfect mixture of mint and smoke was intoxicating.

It seemed like slow motion when Zayn reached out and grabbed my hand. It was the perfect moment, I thought. I involuntarily squeezed his hand and I didn't realize it until he squeezed my hand back with a death grip. My face blushed a deep red and I released my hold.

"I'm just gonna write my info on your hand, don't get any ideas." He chuckled while scribbling; he pushed my hand away and clicked his pen. "My house. Tonight at 6. Don't worry about materials." Zayn then gently squeezed my upper thigh right by my coin purse. My face turned a deep red and he chuckled. The bell rang and I scurried out of the back row and was the first out of class.

I got into my next period, Spanish, and slid in my desk next to Liam.

" ay mate!" Liam started and clapped me on my back "what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost" he finished.

"Something like that" I muttered. Ms. Wess, our Spanish teacher, began talking so thankfully Liam was forced to drop the subject.


| Zayn's POV|

I was waiting for Louis in my house now. Once again, my parents were out on business so it was just me and the maids. I looked over at the clock. 5:50. I groan. Fag puff will be over here soon and I'm not in the mood to deal with him.

Maybe you'll get some ass if you play your cards right.

'What? I'm not gay.' I grumbled back at the voice in my head

Haha! you not gay? and Louis' ass doesn't look like two fresh apples.

I groan loudly realizing that I just fought with myself and head upstairs. I go to change into more comfortable clothes. I pull off everything except my boxers and fish through my drawers tossing on a pair of loose fitting pajama bottoms. I go to pick out a shirt and hear a small knock on the door.

" just a sec" I yell and walk to the door completely forgetting about my shirtless body. I pull the door open to reveal Louis. He was wearing a blue and white striped short sleeve shirt tucked neatly into a nice fitting pair of red jeans. He wore blue toms and suspenders that hung around his waist. Damn.


I ignored the voice and tried making a snarky remark at Louis.

"Have you never seen boobs before?" I chuckle. I cover my firm pecs femininely teasing Louis.

|Louis' POV|

After school I head home to get changed and pack a few things before going to Zayn's. I'm still so shocked and psyched that we are going to be alone.

I open the creaky front door to my house and close it tightly behind me. It's rather small for a family of seven but we've managed.

"Hello?" I say. No response. I must be home alone. I walk up the steps to my room and change into my favorite outfit, Blue and white striped shirt tucked into red pants with suspenders and blue toms.

I grab my backpack again and head out of the door locking it. I was halfway down the steps when I forgot to grab some snacks. I jog back up the steps open the door and walk quietly to the kitchen. I blindly shove a family package of crisps and some trolli worms into my bag. On my way out, I hear moans and banging coming from upstairs.

I creep up the steps slowly, listening carefully to where the noise is coming from. My parents room. I see the door is open a crack and I peer in. I see two bodies moving against each other. Did some one break in? Then I hear the most heart wrenching thing.

"You like that bitch!" my dad screams and smacks my mum hard across the face still pounding into her.

"Please stop!" she pleads.

"Tell me you like it!" Another smack.

I gasp. And tears flow down my face. My dad looks up at me with drunk angry eyes. He leaps off of my mother and charges at me. He lands a few punches to my chest before I make it down the stairs and out of the house. Running for my life, I make it to Zayn's house early.

I look down at my iPhone. 5:52. I walk into the gates of Zayn's massive home. There were beautiful bushes and flowers surrounding the circular driveway and a fountain placed elegantly on the front lawn. I make my way up to the door and knock on the tall wooden structure. Soon, the door is opened revealing a grand spectacle of a house. Beautiful marble floors and expensive art pieces seem to cover every inch of the place.

"You must be Louis" the small older women-who had opened the door- said.

"Uh...oh! Yes! Is Zayn here?" I reply awkwardly.

"He's in his room. Up the stairs last door on the right down the hall." she said with a smile.

I rush off to find Zayn. I finally make it to his room after what seemed like hours of walking. I quietly knocked on the door.

"Just a sec" Zayn yelled and shuffling was heard behind the door. Soon he opened the door. The image before

me was of a god. Zayn was shirtless.

Oh my god. Zayn. Shirtless. Can't breathe. I only realize I'm staring when Zayn grabs his toned pecs saying "Have you never seen boobs before?" I blush and lower my gaze.

"Come on and let's get this over with" Zayn says and pulls me into his room. He shuts the door and flounces over to the bed. He pats the spot next to him and I sit down awkwardly. Zayn looks down and smirks.

"Is my shirtless body making this awkward? You being gay and all." I nod my head feverishly hoping he'll finish getting dressed.

" Then maybe you should take yours off too." Zayn says cooly. He scooches over closer to me and starts pulling my neatly tucked shirt out of my pants. He then puts his large warm hands up my shirt and gently pushes up. My skin lights up at his touch. This moment is magical.

I wince slightly when his hands touch my fresh bruises. Once my shirt is off Zayn smirks but it soon turns to a frown. He runs his hands gently over the black and purple spots on my skin.

"What happened?"



Oh my gush. Zayn you tryna sex Louis?? I think so. Haha

Tell me what you think I really want to see your feedback.

Next Update: 2 votes, 2 reads

~ It gets better in the end. If it isn't better it isn't the end.~

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