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|Zayn's POV|

"Mr. Malik! Wake up darling!" The maid said gently as she shook me awake. If I did what was on my mind I'd tell her to piss off, but she meant well. I slouched out of bed with a groan and headed into my bathroom. After a quick shower, getting dressed and styling my hair perfectly, - if I do say so myself- I went down the grand staircase into the kitchen.

The smell of fresh pancakes engulfed my nose. Magically, my pace quickened into the kitchen. When I got there I was stunned. My mum was there and not just sitting there...she was COOKING. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was still dreaming.

"Morning Zaynie" she sang.

"Morning mum" I mumbled bitterly.

"Are you hungry?" She said, oblivious to my tone. I sat on a stool at the kitchen counter and was quickly served a plate of warm buttermilk pancakes.

"Why are you home mum?" I asked in between mouthfuls. It came out kind of harsh but, I didn't care. She was never home and I'd forgotten what my father looked like. They were always away on "business". Although it brought us a lot of money, I missed them being home.

She seemed a little hurt by my bluntness, but still replied. "Well since it's your first day of junior year I thought I'd send you off nicely."

I shrugged, and stood up from the table and left without a word. "Morning mate!" I yelled to our gardener Josh when I got outside. " Hey Z!" He shouted back.
I pulled my black sports car into the school car park. Before I stepped out, I muttered a few words to myself. " Zayn. You're a bad ass. Be a badass." With that, I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed towards my group of friends.

We chatted for a while until something else caught my attention.


"HEY FAG!" I yelled across the hall. I saw him stop dead in his tracks and I smirked at his paling face. I made my way towards him and he tried to run. Damn. His ass looks so good when he runs.

Zayn... What? That's gay mate. You aren't a fag.

I shook my head erasing the thoughts as I continued to chase Louis. Foolishly, he cornered himself. I swiftly lifted him off the ground and pressed him to the wall.

"Tsk tsk Louis. I thought you would have learned by now," I slammed him against the wall again. "DON'T RUN, it only makes things worse." he squirmed under my grip. " I thought I'd come see you early today just so you know that nothing has changed" I smirked wickedly. His beautiful greenish-blue orbs begged me to have mercy on him. For some odd reason, I felt like I should.

I softly placed Louis back on the ground and stared at him for a moment, just watching the confusion in his eyes. Slowly I turned around and headed to my next class.

I sat down at my desk in the back and I noticed something.

I was hard.

Words: 558

~ It gets better in the end. If it isn't better it isn't the end.~

Hopelessly Me (Zouis)Where stories live. Discover now