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My arm in his. A fake smile dances across my plush lips. A smirk latches at his. He quickly pecks my check.  Sparks peppering across my face.

"I love you,"he mumbles into my ear

I laugh, "love yo-"

"Ms. James!" A raspy voice echos. I shake my head and look at the teacher, "Would you mind explaining to the class what you are thinking about?"

I roll my eyes, "No,"

"Then pay attention,"

She goes back to teaching.

I wish that's how the memory went, but my life just doesn't work that way. 

Walking into the girls restroom. I see the typical, couple screwing in the stall. I quickly do my business and think nothing of it.

As I walk to my locker across from the bathroom. I hear the couple walk out. I look over.

What I see isn't something I wanted to see.

Ashton. He's walking out with Britney Carson.

Ashton's eyes meet mine.

Something that looks like regret fills his eyes.

"Paisley, I can explain" he says  I feel the tears slipping out of my eyes as I slam my locker and run out of the school building. I gave him everything for 3 1/2 years. I loved him.


I'm popular. In fact I'm the "queen bee" of North High school. People see me as outgoing. Fun. Happy, but all that is a mask. I am not happy. I am not outgoing. And I am definitely not fun.

I'm depressed, I'm suicidal, and the only person I could confide in is- was Ashton. The love of my life... or so I thought.

This chapter is shorter than most will be.
This is kind of a filler.
Tell me what you think.


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