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Tyler didn't understand.

I tried to explain it... but he wouldn't listen.

After he screamed at me I ran up to my room and locked myself in, it's been about four hours since then. Gammy tried to talk to me but I ignored her. I just want to go home. Back to Ashton, back to North. I want to be there not here.

"Paisley, Your mother is on the phone," Gammy calls from the other side of my locked door.


I pick up the landline in my room.


"Hi Honey how have you been?"

"I'd be better if I had died that night,"

I hear her breathing quicken

"Chris is doing well, He wants to visit soon,"

she completely ignored me.


"What did you say?"

"I said No. I don't want to see him. He left before I was born, then randomly shows up after I try and kill myself? Why didn't he come for any of my birthdays?"

"Because he was busy honey,"

"Busy with what mom, Busy with banging a handful of Skanks on the street?"

"Don't you talk about your father like that!"

"He's not my father, mom. He never will be,"

I ended the call. Tears streaming down my plush face.

"Gammy!," I yell, limping to the door

"Yes, dear?" she asks, I unlock the door

"I'd like to start school tomorrow,"

She smiles, "Okay, I'll contact the office,"

I leave the door open and limp back to my bed.

Hopefully I won't break here.

I want to make it.

I want to show them how strong I am.

I want to show then that nobody can break a George. Not even her own blood.


Sorry for the wait. Been kind of busy and I hate using a mobile device to update so I usually use my stream at school. Thanks for reading.

I will update faster if we can get to let's say 30 votes.


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