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"Are we almost there," I whine yet again


"How about now?"


"I'm hungry,"

"I don't care,"

"I have to pee,"

"Can one of you shut her up?!"

Laughter breaks out within the car

"This is so fucking funny," A voice from the back breathes

"Oh geez," I groan

"What's wrong this time,"

"My knee, Did you get my crutches?" I groan again


"My backpack?"


"My pain killers are in there, UGH,"

The car starts to slow down, eventually coming to a stop.

"are we here?" I sniffel

"Yeah," The guy sitting next to me replies.

He gets out of the car along with the other three guys. Two go inside and two come to my side of the car, opening the car door, one of the guys picks me up out of the car like I weigh as much as a feather. Making sure my leg is positioned carefully he walks to the door slow and steady, the other one carrying my bland crutches.

"We haven't formally met," I smile, "My name is Paisley George, and you kidnapped me, can I know the names of my kidnappers?"

They laugh, the guy carrying me replies, "I'm Carter and this is Theo,"

"Nice names guys, Now before we go inside what are the other twos names?"

"They scary one is Landon and the other guy is Liam,"

"Okay," As I finish the word the door flies open

I scream

"Shut her up!"

Carter laughs.

"You scared me, asshole," I grumble

"Your face scares me," He mumbles barely audible


everyone is silent. If looks could kill I'd be buried six feet under.

"You little Bitch!" Landon Growls

"You made fun of my face!" I shout

"Because it's something to make fun of," He shoots back

"It could be worse," I shrug


"I could look like you,"

Theo, Carter and Liam start laughing, while Landon continues to glare at me.

Carter puts me down and I walk inside the house, I manage to get to the kitchen and start rampaging the fridge, Its as empty as my bank account.

I find stuff for spaghetti and start cooking.

45 Minutes later

"Mhmmhm, What is that smell," Theo asks

"I made dinner," I reply

"You can cook?" He asks

"Yes, My Grandpa was a chef, he taught me everything, he named me after his favorite spice,"

Theo chuckles, "I'll set the table,"

"Thanks," I dish the plates with heaping amounts of spaghetti, I know these people just kidnapped me but I feel like I belong here, Like I fit.

"DINNER!" I shout.

Carter and Liam come first immediately digging in.

I sit down, with the help of Theo.

"Where is Landon?" I ask

"I dunno," Liam replies

I get out of my chair to find him.

Not in the living room.

Or the kitchen.

I start to make my way upstairs. Finally realizing that this house is empty. You can tell that no females live here. This place needs a girls touch, too bad that touch won't be mine. I finally make it upstairs, all the doors are completely closed except for one, it is only open a sliver but its open.

I walk at a turtles speed to the door, I try to peak through the crack but its not wide enough. So I push it open a bit more.

Its a bedroom. Neat. Clean. It doesn't remind me of a guys room.

"What are you doing?" Someone snaps grabbing my wrist tightly

I whip around fast enough to get whip lash.


"I-I was trying to find you," I whimper, "I ma-made dinner,"

"Oh," He says dropping my wrist

I can feel tears coming to my eyes.

"It's spaghetti, Uh, the rest o-of the boys are d-down there, I just need to u-use the bathroom f-first," I stutter

Landon shows me the bathroom then escapes downstairs.

When I get in, I lock the door and look at my wrist.

It's bruised.

I let the tears fall.

What is going on.

Why did they need to take me?

Liam, theo and Carter are so nice to me, but Landon.

He hurt me physically.

I open the bathroom door and make my way downstairs, pretending like nothing happened.

but when I get there, I am met by someone I'd hoped that I'd never see again.


You're welcome ;)

Who do you think it is?

Why do you think Landon is the way he is?

Why do you think they kidnapped her?

QOTD: What is your favorite song?

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