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Madelyn, my best friend is making me go with her to Homecoming. I said yes because today is the day I want to be ended. Today is the day I am going to be free.

"Paisley!" Madelyn shouts

"Yeah?" I question a fake smile plastered on my face

"Up or down?" She asks 

"Up, I'll pin it for you," I say grabbing the bobby pins from my bathroom. She picked out a cream-colored dress that goes to mid-thigh. It's strapless. She looks beautiful. 

"What are you doing with your hair?" She asks

"Loose Curls," I say 

"Pretty," I put the last bobby pin in her hair and let her see.

"Oh my god Pais, You're so good at this," She smiles at me

"I know," I mumble. I do her makeup light and natural. 

"Time for you," She Gushes

"Okay," I sit on the chair in my spandex and tank top. While Madelyn curls my hair I drift off,  thinking of the happy things, thinking of how free I'll be when I fall today. 

"Done," She mumbles. That was fast. I look in the mirror and see the amazing curls that fall perfectly around my plush face. 

"Makeup?" She asks

"Just a little," I say. Madelyn sits in front of my and applies the Nude colors to my face. A little mascara and a little eyeliner to go with it. When she finishes that she paints my nails a crisp black to go with my dress. I am happy with how she made me appear to look. 

We sit in silence for a little while. 

"It's almost time to go," Mom calls disrupting the peace.

I slip into my dress. It goes down to mid-thigh like Madelyn's but mine is a dark black with a white lace across the chest area. I put on my flats and decide I look good enough. 

"I'm going to head downstairs," Madelyn says heading out of my room. I sit at my desk with my notebook and a pen. 

It's time to write the letter,


I can't swim any longer.

I can't hold my breath.

I've been trying so hard, 

but the waves are pulling me under, 

and I'm letting them take me.

She'll understand. 

"Paisley, They're here!" Madelyn shouts from the bottom of the stairs. 

I get up and walk. It's like everything is in slow motion. This is how my life is going to end. This is the last time that I'll see my room. The last time I'll kiss my mom goodbye. This is how I want to be remembered. 



Sorry I haven't updated for a while. 

Hope you like, but honestly, I'm doing this for me, not you... 

So I could care less about your opinion. 


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