dance with me+

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"how do you not know how to dance?" y/n stood there in shock with her jaw open.

"i just dont y/n"  he shrugged as if it was nothing. he was scared to look stupid even if he tried.

"so this is why when we are out you always stand around and when i tell you to come over you always say no? jesus cody" she exclaimed. putting all the pieces together. he never danced when they were at parties or at a club.

"well you have had to have some type of need for dancing at one point."

the girl loved to dance, she wasnt a professional at it but she loved it. it allowed her to feel free if only for a couple of minutes. it was in her roots, growing up in a Hispanic household. if you didnt dance you looked stupid.

"i never found a need for dancing." he sat on a chair by the island, while she stood on the other side.

"oh you liar, how are you going to impress a girl up in the club if all you do is sit around." she leaned on the island. giving him a look.

she was dressed in a dodger shirt and some leggings, with her hair looking like a beehive at the top of her head while he was in basketball shorts and a white shirt.

"it works now doesnt it?" she smacked her hand onto her forehead. "gives me that mysterious guy image." Cody and y/n were both so sarcastic. only they understood each other at times.

"oh yup thats getting you all the girls, thats landed you maybe 2 dates in the last 6 months?" y/n laughed. in reality to cody, the dates didnt matter. the only girl that mattered to him was y/n. he is in love with her.

"what about weddings? so many weddings are coming up we have to teach you quick!" the girl exclaimed, cody loved seeing y/n with such enthusiasm in her eyes. she was so determined, its one thing he admired most about her

he would watch her talk forever if he could.

y/n got up from her previous position, walked over to the speaker and hooked her phone in. the first song that came on was classic. suavemente.

she smiled. this song was foreign to cody, but so familiar to y/n. y/n smiled while getting up from her crouched position from plugging her phone in.

"why Spanish songs y/n?" he srcunched his eyebrows. y/n thought it was cute when he scrunched his eyebrows.

she knew she would have cody determined to dance, he never gave up on anything and this was going to be one.

"because you can move your hips with these songs, more so than in english." y/n reached her hand out, waiting for him to grab it. he got up from his position.  looked her in the eyes and grabbed her hands.
"I have to move my hips?" cody moaned. y/n rolled her eyes. he laughed.

cody was not used to being taught anymore. so being in this position was hard for him. he would take control if he knew what he was doing.


"youre doing good cody" okay yes, it had taken y/n 45 minutes to get him in some type of rhythm but he was doing good. cody really wasnt kidding when he said he didnt know how to dance but he definately wasnt doing horrible, he was looking good now.


now y/n and cody were dancing together. his hands on her back. but was tempted to move lower. but knew if he didn't he would be able stop.

corazon sin cara came on, y/n absolutely adored this song.

"i love this song." she exclaimed. her hips moving more sensually to the beat.

"you can move your hands down more cody, im not going to kill you." y/n craved his touch and wanted him but he knew, he didnt feel the same. she didn't want to make it so obvious that she was alright with him touching her.

he creeped his hands lower, he was in rhythm with her and it felt right to him. cody wanted all of her. he didnt know how to express his feelings to her. he felt as if he never would.

he knew the dancing would make up for words.

he turned her around with her back facing his and his hands low on her waist. she truly did know how to move. he knew he had to leave before this got too far. he removed himself from her and sat on the couch.

"what happened cody?" she scrunched her eyebrows.

"i have to leave before im in too deep y/n and i might do something that won't be good."

"and whats that?"

"do you want to know?" he asked, trying to refrain himself.

she nodded biting her lip and it drove him insane. cody and y/n were in a trance looking into each other's eyes, until y/n broke the ice.

"one more dance cody"


mayores came on.

their bodies extremely close to each other. she turned around her hips griding with his.

his lips found her neck kissing her up and down. her skin was toxic and cody knew it, but did he stop? no.

her skin craved his touch and her body was set on fire with any small movement from him.

"codyyy" she moaned.

"do you want me to keep going?" he lifted his head from kissing her body to see her face. she nodded.



the day had come. the day had come where cody had to use what he had be taught.
mariana and kike's wedding.
y/n and cody realized there attraction to each other could no longer be held in. they wanted each other. mentally and well physically.

all the boys knew this was going to happen eventually. from the way they looked at each other from the way they acted when people that the other didn't like were around them. they were in love, they just needed a little rhythm to put it all together.

y/n was talking to kenleys wife, when cody interrupted politely asking y/n to dance.

"well this is different now isn't it?" she smiled, this was the happiest she's been.

"well ive got a good teacher now don't i?"
she flipped her hair.

"I can't argue with that" she smiled.

y/n could only imagine if she hadn't have asked cody to dance. they would probably be still be same as they were prior. but things do have a funny way of working out and if she had to teach cody how to dance all over again, she wouldn't change it.

an; OKAY so with the songs I picked I know they were very different in the sense of genres BUT I played my playlist and picked the first 3 that came on Haha welp. this imagine was my first time writing third person and I know it's horrible I'm sorry and ahhhhh this was all over the place. I liked this idea more in my head but I mean the writing was ehhhh very eh. OH and don't even get me started on the World Series it is absolutely crazy. THANK YOU FOR 2K READSSSSS SERIOUSLY THANK YOUUU. ahhhh sorry well I hope you enjoyed! :)

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