The noise rang in everyone's ears, panic was all David could feel at the moment. Who was shot?

When David opened his eyes what he saw was awful. Blood dripped from Lilly's mouth, as it did from the gaping hole in her neck, her lips moved, but no sound came out as she desperately tried to speak.

But she couldn't.

Everything felt like it was going in slow motion. Lilly fell backwards, still, dead. Max's father glared at us as he pointed the gun back to his son, aiming for his heart. Jackson yelled at him, and pulled out his own gun.

Jackson's gun fired, causing him to stumble backwards, the bullet flew forwards, hitting Max's father in the shoulder. Max's father fired his gun, and due to the bullet hitting his shoulder, he missed and shot his son in the knee instead, the original target.

Blood sprayed from Max's knee, and he curled around it. Max's father dropped his gun and Jackson called for back up. This was bad.

"Don't you even dare try to get that gun!" Jackson spat, anger and sadness laced his voice "I'll shot your freaking brains out"

Max's father stood there, giving Jackson a look of completeness hatred, Max's mother just stood there, eyes wide.

Jackson's backup finally arrived three minutes later. Seven people rushed it, four of them dealing with Lilly, one dealing with Max's father, And one dealing with his mother. And one dealing with Max.

Max felt traumatized, he was shaking so bad he thought he might collapse, a kind police, Dylan, picked Max up despite his protest. David watched in silence, terrified of what he just saw.


Max and David drove in a car with Jackson and Dylan. Dylan driving while Jackson thought about the loss of his partner. Max's leg was bleeding out, despite Dylan's best efforts to stop the bleeding.

They were driving quickly, siren(?) on to warn cars, so they would move to make a path. Max was having an anxiety attack, no longer breathing, he became dizzy and his vision went blurry, and his head pounded with headache.

David glanced nervously at the ten-year-old. Not bothering to say anything, knowing it would end I Max throwing some rude comment at David.

They arrived at the hospital, and rushed Max inside, and demanding immediate treatment. Max was taken away to a room, his eyes wide with fear, for he always hated the hospital.

David, Dylan and Jackson waited. Jackson sat with his head in his hands, elbows resting on his knees, thinking about Lilly, 'it could have been me...' He thought miserably 'id rather he have shoot the kid instead of Lilly' Jackson felt guilty thinking this, but he knew it was the truth.

Meanwhile, Dylan thought about the events of the day, they had a report of abusive parents, so Lilly volunteered to go with her partner, Jackson. About ten minutes later, Jackson calls frantic for backup, he sounds like he's about to cry, so Dylan gathered some backup and went, what the arrives to was not what they aspected, Lilly had been shot in the neck, she was dead, the father was bleeding from his shoulder, and the mother stood there in terror, and the boy was bleeding out of his knee. We immediately got to work, and brought the hot to the hospital.

David was thinking about Max, and how he had been living at an abusive home, and Davis just let him go back go his parents. They did put up a pretty good act though...

Fifteen minutes later, Max was ready to go home. Or to where ever he'd be staying. He was pushed out on a wheel chair, looking completely out of it.

"He had some pain medicine" the nurse informed the three men. "So he might be tired, and he might not be making any sense."

Dylan walked up to grab the ten-year-olds wheelchair, "thank you so much" he said kindly to her. Jackson just rolled his eyes, guiltily admitting to himself that he wouldn't have minded it at all of the boy bled to death.

"Where is he going to go?" David asked nervously

"An orphanage or something like that" Dylan said regretfully.

David really didn't want Mac to have to go to a foster care or orphanage. "Maybe I could adopt him" David said softly. "What was that?" Dylan asked, not fully able to hear the soft spoken words. "Maybe I could adopt him" David said more confidently.

Dylan seemed to consider that, eyes sparkling excitedly "that might work" he finally decided "come with me"


Dadvid is best David

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