Chapter 4

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The weekend went really quickly, surprisingly. I walked my dog to the park a few times, yes, I have a dog. A little girl labrador, Holly. She's the cutest thing ever, im so lucky to have her. We found her before led under a tree in the middle of a field and we had to save her, she looked terrible, bless her. But now she's all better and even more fluffy and cute and small. I also ran a lot, I ran all day on Saturday for some reason.

It was now a monday, back to school. Correction, back to living hell. I didn't think today was going to be such a bad day considering friday was so good. I did give Austin the silent treatment for a while, so I better appologise.

We walked into the school, headphones still in, world still shut out. That was until I heard a loud roaring car and a horn beep. I took out my headphones and turned around saying "WHAT THE HELL IS WR-" I was cut off by a familiar face sat in the front seats of the car. Ladies and Gentlemen, the one, the only, Austin Mahone. Then there were Alex in the passenger, and Zach and Robert in the back seats, all laughing like their life depended on it. Austin just sat there mouth hung open, wide eyes and a slightly sympathetic look on his face mouthing "im so sorry" and pulling a sad face to top it all off. I decided to ignore it and keep walking.

By the time I got to my locker I was met with the sound of those four familiar voices. I listened in a bit..

"Oh look, man, there she is! Go talk to her, how you feel, say sorry. She at least deserves that."

" Alright, but what if she doesn't love me like I love her?"

That honestly brought a smile to my face.

"Just do it, good luck Austin, see you second"

"Yeah alright, thanks so much man, see you"

OH NO!! I thought to myself, hes coming, ok just say it.

"Hey Soph?"

"Oh hey Austin what's up?"

"Oh, umm..I..I..umm..oh god this is hard"

"What is so ha-"

"I love you"

"Austin I really dont see-"

"Oh my god I knew ut, im so sorry I shouldnt have-"

"I love you too"


"I love you too, Austin"

And in that moment, everything was a blur. Austin had hugged me tighter than ever before, against a row of lockers. It kind of hurt, but it felt great.

"So, umm I have to go to first prriod, so I'll see you later ok?"

"Babe, we have the whole day together, I will walk with you, if that's ok?"

"I guess I can cope with that"

We walked hand in hand to every single lesson that day. Becky, Millie and the guys were so happy that we got together it was hilarious.

Last period was art, my best lesson. Today we were being let loose with clay because our teacher isn't in, this pretty much meant that we were going to get messy. I was underestimated.

I sat there modeling little people out of the clay until someone got a paintbrush full of watery clay and stoked it all the way down my face in the middle, and all the way accross the middle so I looked like some kind of tibal person. I looked up to see a smirk on Alex's face who had his hands using the clay only. It couldn't have been him. I looked to my left and Becky was just getting up, she had made a little park with people and animals all around it. She was amazing at art. Then I looked to my right, right next to me was a huge grin on Austin's face, he was holding the paint brush covered in clay. Oh no he didn't. That was it, its on Mahone.

I got my hands covered in clay and water and put it on either side of his face and dubbed it in so he looked like a grey clown from a circus, then kissed him to shut him up. I then went over to Alex and put the rest of the clay on his back as he hugged me, without seeing what I did. I burst out laughing and he knew I had done something, but I was wrong, he was laughing because Austin had his hands covered in clay and had planted hand prints on my butt.

I got the pot of clay and chased him around the room, over and under the tables, around and around the chairs, out the door and into the corridor until he was backed up against the wall. I was mere inches away from his face and I decided to do one thing to get revenge.

You see, Austin thought I was going to kiss him right then and there, but no, I had my own ideas. I got closer and closer until I reached into the pot as he shut his eyes and smudged the clay all over his lips. He was lucky he kept his mouth shut, that would have been disgusting!

I guess you could call me the queen of revenge?








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