Prove Me Wrong (Sherlock x Reader x John Request)

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Ermagahd my first request I'm so happy xD

anyway I hope you like it!

sorry if its not that good :/

Reader X: Sherlock & John

Setting: 221B Baker Street

Requested by: I-am-Sherlocked (Love the user name btw XD)


Background: It's been a few months since you moved into your new flat at 221C Baker Street. You had met Mrs. Hudson at the super market and had told you about the empty flat has been empty for a while.

Coincidentally, you've been looking for a flat, and the way Mrs. Hudson explained the flat made it sound perfect.

So you moved in, got comfortable and thought everything was going to be peaceful. It had been a week since you had moved into the apartment and you still hadn't met any of the neighbors so you figured you would have to enjoy your own company.

One day you were just sitting on the couch reading a book when suddenly you heard gun shots from upstairs. Concerned you ran upstairs and knocked on the door that read '221B'.

"Damn it, Sherlock! Put the gun down!" You heard a voice yell.

"But John, I'm bored!" A deep voice shot back.

"Look for a show on the telly or something!" Then suddenly a man with blond-ish hair answered the door and gave you a confused look. You stood there panting for a bit until you finally caught your breath.

"I.. I heard gun shots. So I came.. To see if everything was alright.." You said concerned. The man let out a big sigh and had a tired expression.

"Yeah, we're fine. He does this type of thing often.." He studied your face closer. "I don't think we've met before. I'm John, John Watson." John gave you a warm smile and extended his hand. You returned the smile and shook his hand,

" (Name, First and Last Name). And no we haven't met before, I just moved into 221C." Before John could respond you heard the deep voice again.

"John, stop flirting." You giggled as a small blush crept up on John's cheeks. His tired expression returned,

" And that's my flat mate, Sherlock." You gave John a small nod as he moved a side so you could enter.

"Dull... He's not the father.. Dull... The poodle groomer did it... Dull.." Sherlock mumbled as he flipped through different channels. John sighed a little.

"Sherlock, this is (Name). They just moved into the flat below us." John told his friend. Sherlock turned in his seat and scanned you from head to toe.

The corner of his lips perked up into a smirk, "Not so dull..."

Months Later...

You sat with Sherlock in apartment 221B on the couch as you observed Sherlock sit in frustration in front of the telly. He was sitting on a chair in front of it with his hands in a prayer-like position underneath his chin.

John had gone to the super market to buy a few things leaving you and Sherlock alone in the flat. A few minutes after John left Sherlock was being... well Sherlock and you were getting slightly irratated so you turned on the tv and put on a soap opera, which is why Sherlock is so focused on the screen.

You were quietly reading a book and every now and then glanced up to see how Sherlock was doing. You already knew about Sherlock's talent of deducting and his job of being the world's only 'Consulting Detective' and, just like John, found it simply amazing. Even though on ocassion he would over do it.

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