Too Cool (Reader X Soul Evans)

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okay I had this cute idea for a Soul X Reader

I just hope you guys like it >~<

Reader X: Soul Evans

Setting: Soul and Maka's house


Background: You're a student at Death Weapon Miester Academy aka the DWMA, like many of the students at the academy; you're a weapon. To be more specific a melee weapon, like Soul and Tsubaki, you can transform into any kind of blade.

Today, you weren't going to school, you promised Maka that you were going to stay home and take care of Soul, who had recently catched a fever with a cough.

You stood silently in the living room with Maka as she rambled on about where everything was just in case.

"Alright, I think that's it.. Thanks again, (Name) I'll be sure to tell Professer Stein that you're not going to be able to make it today. If Soul's any trouble don't hesitate to call me." She finished. You nodded with a smile.

"I don't think he'll cause any trouble. And if he does, I'll give him a good hit on the head." You teased. Both of you laughed then said your good byes.

Once Maka left you headed towards the kitchen. 'I should make Soul some soup, he should be waking up soon.' You thought as you opened the cabnets in their kitchen.

When you finally found the can of soup, you poured it into a pot and began heating it up while humming a small tune. After what seemed an eternity the soup was finished. While pouring the soup into the bowl you heard a groan coming from Soul's room.

"Oh he must be awake." You thought out loud.

You placed the bowl of tomato soup on a small tray along with a little piece of bread. Making your way towards his room you noticed the door was already cracked open. You used your foot to push the door all the way.

"Soul? I brought you some.." Inside Soul's room you saw, Soul laying on his bed..and Blair ontop of him with his face in her chest. A big irk mark appeared on your forehead. Blair turned her head with a frown.

"(Name)~! My little scythe-y boy is sick~!" Blair whined. You looked at her emotionless.

"Well, Blair. Not to be rude or anything but maybe you shouldn't have his face in between chest." You said in a mono tone. But Blair ignored you and hugged Soul even tighter.

"Don't worry, Soul! My hugs will cure you~!" You inwardly rolled your eyes and set down the tray on a table next to Soul's bed.

Without saying a word you walked over to the bathroom, picked up the water spray and came back to Soul's room. 'Sorry Blair..' You thought as you squeazed the handle and the water hit Blair.

She hissed at you and jumped off of Soul, running into the next room. He carefully tried to sit up, you aided him by helping him up and ajusting his pillow at the right angle.

Soul smiled at you. "Thanks (Name). But you didn't have to skip school and take care of me." He frowned when he finished.

"Don't worry about it, Soul. I promised Maka I would take care of you. Plus.." You sweatdropped before you continued. "I don't think I can handle another one of Stein's dissections.."

Soul laughed with you then stopped when his stomach started growling. His eyes widened a bit and blush crept upon his cheeks. You giggled at his embarresment.

"It's a good thing I already made you some soup then." You said as you picked up the tray and gently placed it on his lap.

Soul began to eat the soup, you noticed how his hand was trembling when he lifted the spoon up. So after a little bit you felt bad, sat down on his bed and began feeding him.

"Man, being sick is so un-cool." He mumbled. You looked up from the soup.

"Cool people get sick too, Soul." You reminded him. He chuckled to himself.

"Would that explain why you're not sick, (Name)?" Soul teased. You rolled your eyes at him. "Nice to know you're just as cheeky when you're sick." You mumbled under your breath, loud enough so only you could hear.


After a minute of awkward silence you kept feeding Soul. He looked up at you with his crimson red eyes. He smirked before he spoke,

"(Name), would you like some soup too?" You tilted your head to the side. The way he said it made it sound as if he was up to something... You hesitantly nodded and curiously as Soul made a slight effort to rip off a piece of the bread, dip it into the soup and bring it up to your face.

"Now, say ahhhhh~." He commanded as he brought the bread closer to your mouth. You rolled your eyes and closed your eyes with your mouth open. He stuffed the bread in your mouth and waited for your reaction. A small blush appeared on your cheeks, for canned soup it was really good.

Soul chuckled then scooted closer to you with an adorable smile on his face.

"That's not fair, you're hogging it all~! You should share~" He said with a playful tone in his voice.

Before you could find a way to respond Soul cupped your face and brought his lips to yours. The flavor of the tomato soup still lingered on his lips.

Your eyes widened and the blush on your cheeks deepened. When he pulled away you noticed he was chewing. Soul had a devious grin on his face when he swallowed.

"Thanks for sharing, (Name). It was pretty good. Oh, the bread was okay I guess."

He said casually. You stared up at Soul with your trembling fingers going over your lips. You've always had a small crush on him but you thought that he and Maka had something going on.. Considering how close they are.

Soul looked over to you and saw you were deep in thought. He smiled and brought you closer to him.

"Aww you've gone silent." He cooed as he nuzzled his face into your neck. You blushed an ever deeper shade of red as you tried to cover your face. "Shut up, Soul.."

*next morning*

Maka stood next to the bed with her hands on her hips. "I don't know how you managed to get, (Name) sick too, Soul. You should've been more careful." She began lecturing you two like little children.

You had a massive head ache and didn't feel like listening to Maka lecture you so you turned onto you side and tuned her out. About five minutes later Maka left to school, leaving you and Soul alone.

He scooted a little closer to you and wrapped an arm around you. "I don't like being sick.." You told him quietly. He smiled at you,

"We're too cool to stay healthy.. And least we're sick together" he joked. You rolled your eyes at him,

"You sound like one of those cliche romance movies." You teased.

He laughed with you, "Get some rest, (Name). We'll get better soon.." He told you as you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

The next day you and Soul woke up healthy and good as new. For a week he acted as if he had never kissed you, making you really confused. But a day after that he drove up to your apartment on his motor cycle with a bundle of flowers, and asked you to be a couple. You, gladly, accepted and followed him to his motorcycle. You both hopped on and drove to the DWMA where you sat together and watched the sun set.


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