Dont You Dare ( Claude X Reader )

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sooooo Claude x reader......

He's not exactly my favorite character


I can try

lez do diz

Reader X: Claude Faustus

Setting: Trancy Manor



Background: You had started working at the Trancy Manor for a couple of months now and everything seemed peaceful.

Alois had been very polite to you when he and Claude found you on the streets on the verge of starving to death.

They had taken you in and offered you a place to stay in return for you being the new servant along with Hannah.

You seemed to adapt quickly to the new household and became just as good as a servant as Claude was a butler!

With his help, of course, the private lessons he had given you on how to be a good servant not only helped you very much but it seemed to create a close bond between the two of you.

Along the way, you discovered the fact that they were all demons.. And had formed a contract with Alois. At first it frightened you, but you soon remembered that they're still the same people you've grown to care for.

It seemed everything was going well for you.

But sadly, all of that stopped one day when Alois suddenly changed. He was always in a good mood.. but he would suddenly turn cold and cruel.

You, Hannah, the triplets and Claude always tried your best to please Alois ...But it never seemed to work. There was always something that upset him...


This morning it was your turn to prepare the food. You had served him his breakfast, trying your best to avoid eye contact or even look at him as he didn't like it. He stared at his food with a disgusted look.

"You call this food? It looks like garbage! Honestly, (Name), I expect more from you! You wouldn't want me to throw you back out on the streets like an animal; would you?" He said coldly.

You stood behind his chair in between Hannah and Claude looking straight forward with an emotionless expression.

"No, your Highness... I'm sorry I've displeased you; please forgive me." You said in a monotone voice.

He lifted up his fork, cut off a piece and held it up to his mouth. "I suppose it'll have to do.." He started eating in silence. You looked over at Hannah through the corner of your eye.

She gave you a sympathetic smile and mouthed, 'You did fine..' You gave her a faint smile in return.

There were a few moments of silence before Alois suddenly spoke up. "Hannah. Get me something to drink. Now."

Hannah nervously nodded. "Yes, your H-Highness.." She said softly as she quietly padded to the kitchen and came back with a pitcher of wine.

She started walking towards the table ready to serve it in his glass. Before she reached the table Alois stuck out his foot out from underneath the table and tripped Hannah.

He let out a crazed giggle--that drove you insane-- as the pitcher flew up into the air and Hannah fell onto the floor.

His giggling stopped as the wine spilled onto the table, the floor and a few drops on his clothes. "Hannah!! Look at what you've done; you've made a mess!" He yelled.

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