Chapter 4: Family

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David's POV
The water was cold. The oil platform was right above me. I looked to my left and right. Keegan, Merrick and Kick just floated there waiting for the signal.
"Alright move up." I swam up with the rest of the team and broke the surface. We were at the bottom of the platform and moved up. We stopped as Merrick pointed towards two guard near the railings.
"Keegan, Hesh take them out. Quietly."
I drew my knife with Keegan and position myself near one and grabbed him by the mouth. I drove the knife into his throat and slashed sidewards opening it. He struggled briefly before going limp as Keegan drove his knife into the other guard's head. We pushed their bodies over the railing and proceeded forwards.
Alright, Kick same routine. Head to the security room and get us a bead on their SAM sites. We moved forwards and took down a few more guards.
"Alright guys I'm in." Kick finally said.
"The SAM sites are just above you."
Merrick nodded to Keegan and I and we placed the charges in a circle. We moved a distance away and hit the trigger. The oil platform shook as the explosives went off and the SAM launchers collapsed into the water. We heard the alarm sound as the guards on the platform scrambled around. We moved in and took cover as the guards ran past us and towards the collapsed area of the platform.
"Merrick we are sending reinforcements your way. Move out and take down as many guards as you can."
Merrick nodded to this and gestured to us. Keegan and I pulled out our grenades removed their pins. 1...2...3...4 we threw them into the group of guards. We heard a yell of terror and a resounding blasts as bodies flew in different directions. We popped out of cover and fired at the guards.
"Spread out!"
We quickly moved to different sides and took out the guards. I took out a few guards before moving to the top of the platform. I threw a frag grenade and took cover as another explosion sounded. I fired at the stunned guards and watched as they dropped with sprays of red. I reached the top of the platform and popped the green flare as our backup arrived.
Logan's POV
I watched the smoke coming from the platform and watched as another helicopter approached it. I signaled to one of my me and took out a Stinger rocket launcher. I aimed and heard the ping before it got faster and sounded. I fired from our approaching chopper and watched as the rocket sailed through the air and slammed into the side of the approaching chopper. I signaled to the pilot. "Drop me off at the green smoke! The rest of you take the other Ghosts this one's mine!"
They nodded and I aimed at the masked man on the top platform and fired. My weapon chattered as the bullets pinged of the ground and slammed into the man's chest. I hopped of and walked towards the stunned man. He got up and fired at me. I rolled away and returned fire hitting square in the chest again.
David's POV
Dammit. The pain slicing through my chest was insane. I ground my teeth and rolled up and fired at the masked man. He was fast. He went behind cover and fired at me. I ran slid behind cover before firing at him and hitting his rifle. The weapon flew out of his hands and I proceeded forwards. He threw a smoke grenade and doused the area in smoke. I aimed through the smoke until a figure burst out of the smoke and tackled me, knocking my rifle out of my grip and sending us over the railing. I felt the sensation of free fall and managed to latch onto a railing on the level below the top. I felt my arm strain and quickly pulled myself up. I regained my balance and looked just in time to see a fist collide with my face. I fell backwards and dodged the man's stomp. I swung my foot and tripped him. I got up and drove my fist into his face. His hand went sideways but, he rolled away and got up. We faced each other and he charged again swinging. I sidestepped and kneed him in the gut before twisting and kicking him across the face. He retaliated with an uppercut to my face and a foot in my gut. I grunted and felt a sudden pain on my arm and backed away gripping at my arm. He had his knife out and my sleeve was stained with red. He slashed at me and I sidestepped again and grabbed his knife hand. He twisted and drove his elbow into my face. I tasted blood in my mouth before he grabbed my arm flipped me on my back. He punched me in the face again. My vision had gone hazy as he picked me up and threw me against a wall. I struggled to get up as he grabbed me by the neck and placed the blade against my neck. I looked at the eyes behind the mask. I saw killer instinct and something else. Hesitation. I tried something. I removed my mask and grabbed at his hands. I spoke, "Logan...please. Logan..."
Logan's POV
The voice threw my mind back to a memory before. A few months ago. A screaming voice, a beach, pain in my arm. I let go of David and staggered back. His hair was longer than before. He had a stubble growing too. I felt a flood of memories through my mind. I looked at my brother and took of my mask. I saw recognition spread across his face as he stepped forward. My mind flew back and I drew my sidearm on him. He looked at me with the same look.
"Logan..." he begged, "Come back..."
I pulled the hammer back and centered the shot and put my finger on the trigger. My hands shook as his eyes begged me to stop. Another memory flashed through my mind. Auburn hair, soft touch, a kiss, words spoken. "Remember what family means..." Another memory. An older face, blood on the floor, a scream of rage, last words spoken "'ll be'll be okay..." The final memory, a gun, anger, "I'm not a Ghost. I'm the guy who hunts them and sends them back to the other side!", a gunshot. A mask. I fired the gun and felt the kick. I looked and saw Logan standing there a bullet hole inches away from his head. I heard 2 gunshots and pain in my chest. I fell backwards as more gunshots were heard. My eyesight blacked out.
David's POV
I stood there as Keegan approached Logan and leveled his gun at Logan's head. I tapped him on the shoulder and said, "It's still him Keegan don't do this. We're not killers." He looked at me and walked away as more shots could be heard.
I heard my communicator sound. "Hesh! Keegan! We have to get out of here! Evac's coming in! Meet us on the top level!" I put on my mask and went up as more of Logan's team pursued us. I turned around with my sidearm and fired killing a masked man. We made it to the top level while Merrick set of the charges he placed on the stairs and destroyed them. We quickly got on the chopper as parts of the oil platform went up in flames. Merrick turned to me.
"Hesh, did you see Logan? We lost sight of you." I nodded and looked at the smoke coming from the platform. I hoped to God he was alive.
Logan's POV
I woke up as my vision was in a haze. I heard distant explosions and felt the ground shake. I looked around as fires raged around the platform. I heard my communicator ping.
"Logan! Where are you? We're in the chopper! Get out of there! The platform's gonna blow. I felt the platform begin to tilt. I saw the helicopter pass by and put on my mask as it stopped by the level above me. The area was collapsing. I ran and slid under a fallen part of the floor and climbed up. An explosion went up beside me and threw into the railing. I hung on as the platform began to fall. I climbed up and ran to the chopper. I leapt into it as the platform was engulfed in a massive fireball. I took of my mask and wiped away any blood I had on my face. I breathed and looked at Boa who was covered in cuts and bruises. "You Okay?" I asked. He nodded as the medic checked him out. I looked in the distance and waited for the nightmare to be over. It wasn't. When we got back the Federation military was sustaining heavy losses and the US military was pushing forwards. He dismissed us and took me aside. He looked at me.
"Did you see your target?" I nodded. "Is he eliminated?" I shook my head and said. "Keegan shot me. I couldn't finish the job." Rorke nodded and sent me off. I was going into my chopper with my backpack and felt something in my pocket. I pulled out a set of dog tags that read, "Walker, Elias T." with a call sign "Scarecrow" next to the name. More memories flooded my mind and looked down. I pocketed the dog tags and looked at my mask. I closed my eyes and the memories flooded back in.

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