Chapter 7: The Strongest Bonds

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Caracas, Venezuela
David's POV
This was a terrible idea. I think about this as Logan converses with a patrol guard in Spanish with all of us Federation fatigues. The guard checked us out and Logan drove us to the suburbs. It was strange to see this part of Caracas as I've only seen the sprawling metropolis during our op in Federation Day. I sighed and adjusted my rifle as we entered the suburbs.
Logan's POV
I drove us through the suburbs as we neared my house. I saw the Federation vehicles parked at my house and my heart beat faster. I drove faster and stopped by the vehicles. I got out of the truck and the other guards noticed me. They waved to me as I drew my suppressed pistol and fired twice. They dropped to the ground as the blood sprayed onto their trucks. I opened the door and crouched. I went behind a waiting Federation soldier and grabbed by the mouth and shoved the gun to the side of his head and pulled the trigger.
The man went limp and I lowered his body. There were signs of a firefight as I looked to the bullet holes on the walls. I entered the next room and found a slumped body on the floor with blood pooled around it. I recognized it as Boa's and I crouched next to him to check for pulse. He jolted awake and grabbed my arm. He looked at me weakly and gestured to the kitchen. I nodded to him and pressed his hand against his bleeding side. I quietly slipped into the kitchen and watched as a Federation soldier held Anna at gunpoint. I drew my combat knife and approached him. The floor creaked and the man twisted and fired. I rolled under the gunfire as it ripped through the walls and buried my knife in the man's side. He grunted in pain and slammed his stock into the side of my head. I grunted as he flipped me over and took out the knife at his side and slammed it at my chest. I grabbed his wrist and hit his knife wound. His grip loosened and I drove the knife into his neck, burying it to the hilt. He dropped to the floor convulsing violently. I got up and went to Anna. She was unconscious but, alive. I sighed in relief and called Hesh in. He walked in and brought her to the car as I lifted Boa up. He yelled in pain and grabbed my arm.
"Agh! Stop!" I lowered him next to the entrance as the radio in the Federation cars sounded off and police sirens could be heard. He pulled his sidearm and gestured to go. I shook my head.
"I'm not just gonna leave you here." He smiled, "You're gonna have to. I'll hold them off for as long as I can. Do me a favor."
He took out a decorated necklace and pressed it into my hands. He weakly said, "This necklace symbolizes peace in my tribe. Please end this war peacefully. Not just for your people but, for everyone. Now go!"
I ran to the car and drove off as I heard gunshots sound. I drove us to the exfil and picked up Anna. I got her in and we gained altitude.
The Wall, San Francisco, USA, 3 days later...
I stood there watching the destruction that the ODIN strikes did. I took out the necklace and remembered his final request. "I promise." I said. I heard a sound behind and found David with a very familiar face.
"Riley!" I cried as he bounded over and hopped onto me with his tail wagging. I ran my hands through the German Shepherd's fur and scratched behind his ears. David knelt next to me and put his arm around me.
"I missed you Logan. I thought you were gone for good." I shook my head and laughed.
"Dad taught us a lot. Ghosts don't break David. I remembered." He nodded and we embraced. We walked along the wall as Merrick planned our op.
"What kept you anchored? What kept you from fully turning?" He asked.
I answered, "In the beginning I was turned. When I met her, it changed. On a more serious note you seeing anyone lately?"
David laughed, "Nah, you were the lucky one. I was too focused on the military to think of anything else."
I smiled and for once in a long while I felt at home. We talked a bit more before I retired to my old house. I walked in and found Anna asleep on the couch. I carried her to the bed and laid her there. I felt a touch on my shoulder as Anna woke up and she turned to me smiling.
"I wondered where you were," She said sitting up. "I got bored. It's actually my first time going to the US."
I turned to her and pressed my lips against hers before releasing and caressing her cheek.
"Well, welcome home."
She smiled and we kissed again. She sighed into the kiss as we deepened it. It soon became hungrier as she tugged at my shirt and I pulled her against me. We separated for a moment to catch a breath. She smiled at me and I laughed.
"I gotta go," I said. "I gotta meet up with the team and plan our next move."
"I'm really sorry," I added laughing. "I'll see you later."
I gave her a kiss on the lips before I got up and left the room. I walked over to the base and met up with the rest of the team. They all looked at me and regarded my presence with Keegan keeping a hand on his sidearm. I smiled and Merrick turned on the screen. It showed a blueprint of the Federation Command Center in Caracas. I'd been there multiple times and was familiar with its structure and security.
"This is what your man Boa has given us," Merrick said as he switched to another slide showing names and a time setting. "The Federation's leader Federico Almagro and his commanders are meeting up on the 52nd floor of this building to plan the Federation's next move. Rorke will also be there as the Chief of Security and a Tactical Advisor to Almagro. The meeting will be done at night, giving us the advantage. We'll split into teams and enter through different angles of the floor. Kick will infiltrate the security room and disable the security system. Keegan and I will infiltrate through the building to the left while Logan and Hesh will infiltrate through the building on the right. This will be our only chance to take down the Federation in one fell swoop without invading Caracas. Understood?"
We nodded our heads in agreement and stood up to leave. Merrick stopped me at the door and grabbed my arm. He looked at me and said, "I know your back, but I need to make sure that when the time comes you'll end Rorke."
I nodded, "Yeah, I'll kill him. I'll tear his fucking head off!"
Merrick nodded and let me go. Now the only thing on my mind was how I was gonna kill him. The same memories replayed in my head as walked towards my house. Dad's death, The Pit,  Boa's sacrifice and so much more that I staggered as soon as I reached my door. I opened the door walked straight to the bedroom and as soon as I opened the bedroom door my mind had a different memory. I saw her laying there in a peaceful slumber. I laid on the bed spent a few minutes running my hand through her hair. She stirred and turned to me a tired smile on her face. I caressed her face and laid a small kiss on her lips. She sighed and put her arm over my chest and the through my hair. I kissed her again and said, "I love you."
She smiled and replied, "I love you too,"
After we just lay there and I closed my eyes and hoped my dreams weren't so bad because tomorrow was going to be the nightmare.

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