Chapter 5: Allegiance

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"I'm proud of you Logan....everything's gonna be okay...."
Logan's POV
The gunshot woke me from my short sleep as the pilot turned to me, "We're nearly there."
I nodded and readjusted my bag. I took out the dog tag again. These dreams were becoming more frequent as of late. I wondered about it and took out my phone. I went to my contacts and called the only number that mattered to me. I heard the ring and she answered on the second ring. "Hello?", she said.
"It's me." I said, "Where are you right now?"
"At your place." She replied. I laughed as I had completely forgotten that I gave her the keys to my place. I hailed a taxi. "I'll be right there. Wait for me."
I reached the house and paid the driver before proceeding towards the door. I knocked a few times and heard footsteps on the other side. I watched the door open and Anna walk up to me and threw her arms around me. I was surprised and put my arms around her as well. She smelled wonderful. She looked at me and kissed me full on the lips. I pulled her closer and we deepened the kiss. We broke apart and she walked me inside. She smiled at me, and my heart was beating a little faster. I took off my backpack and removed my jacket as she moved closer to me. She looked at my face and watched her face contort into one of worry. She put her hands on my cheeks and ran through my hair. "What happened to you?" , she asked. I gripped her hands and brushed a stray lock of auburn hair out of her face.
"I got into a fight." I replied. "At an oil platform...I'll explain the rest later." She nodded and leaned against me. I put an arm around her and sat her down on the couch. I kicked off my boots and we stayed there for a moment. I decided to tell her what happened.
"I fought my brother. I almost killed him...I almost killed my own brother. What does that make me? Am I becoming Rorke?" I shook as I said this. She sat up and put her hands on my face and turn it towards her's. Those beautiful eyes.
"Listen to me!" She said. "You're not Rorke. You're not even close to who he is! You are Logan, not Rorke. You didn't kill your brother and you came back to me!" I looked at her and ran my hand through her hair. I pulled her close and we kissed. She threw arounds and climbed on top of me. I leaned back into the couch as we continued to kiss. I had one hand running through her hair and nape and another running up her bare thigh. I didn't realize she was just in a shirt and shorts. We broke apart and she looked at me. It was the same look she gave me on the night before I went to the oil platform. The words we said at that moment echoed through my mind and I pulled her into a kiss again. I heard her sigh contentedly as she settled her hands on my chest. I felt a tug on my shirt as she began to unbutton it. I lowered my head kissed her neck. She sighed and unbuttoned my shirt. She ran her hand along my scars as she pulled me up for another kiss. I stood up and lifted her up. We moved to the bedroom and I set her down on the bed. I kissed her and lifted her shirt up. I shrugged my unbuttoned shirt off and ran my hands along her body. We stripped each other of the rest of our clothing. I kissed her neck as I entered her eliciting another moan from her. I gasped as she kissed my neck. We found a rhythm and moved in tandem our breaths syncing with our movements. We sped up and our moans became more erratic. I ran my hand along the length of her legs as she wrapped them around me. I felt her tighten around me as she climaxed with a sigh and me following right after. I laid there breathing in the scent of our passion. She lay next to me with her leg draped over me and her fingers tracing the scars on my chest.
"It's been a while since I've done that." She remarked. I chuckled as I ran my hand along the curve of her back. She was beautiful. I pulled her up for another kiss which she returned. The kiss became hungrier and she straddled me. I sat up as she lowered herself into me eliciting gasps and moans from the both of us. We moved again as we kissed and ran our hands along each other's bodies. We quickly reached each other's climaxes and finally went to sleep.
I bolted upright as I felt my heart hammer in my chest. I looked around and found the bed empty. I put my shirt and pants before reaching into the desk next to my bed and pulling out my sidearm. I sneaked to the kitchen and my heart stopped. I leveled my gun and centered it around the area between his eyes. I looked into Rorke's smirking face as I pulled back the hammer. "Gotta say. You picked a good one Logan." I watched as one of his men leveled a pistol to her head and I felt the barrel of a gun on the back of my head. I spun and grabbed the man's gun arm slamming and slamming my elbow into the man's neck. He keeled over and I leveled one pistol at Rorke and the other at the guard holding Anna.
"Let her go." I said. He smiled and nodded to his man. The man pulled back the hammer on his gun. My heart was racing as I played out the situations in my head. None of them ended well. I sighed as she looked at me with pleading eyes.
"If I go with you...will you let her go in peace?" Rorke nodded, "You have my word on it." I dropped the pistols and looked defeatedly at the woman I loved. I felt a sudden on the back of my head as the soldier pistol whipped the back of my head. I grunted again as Rorke drove his boot into my gut.
"You didn't think you were getting easy were you?! I will not allow my men to hesitate when told to kill a target and you did!! You're a goddamn disappointment..."
I gave Anna one final look before I saw a steel-tipped boot slammed into the side of head.
I woke up to heat, pain and bright lights. I found myself almost naked and I looked up. The horror dawned on me as I suddenly felt pain arch across my body. I hissed as fell to the ground and curled into a ball. I slowly spoke the words as darkness took me again. "The pit..."

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