Chapter One

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The morning Nora Jayne saw the  Square of Coral City opening before her with many special offers, she smiled. The warm waters that prickled her skin. The dance movement her hair made as she swam.

The city was large and green, all around fish would gloat and talk while they swim through the crowded sea. A small amount of stores were opening in the blues. With huge signs of:

Get your bust shells the cheapest! On sale! Only five pearls.

Get your matching pearly purse with shell crowns.

We have a special offer for tail, scales redecoration! Don't miss it!

Nora smiled as she made her way to the sale, she had to get new shells anyway.

The store was full, mid age ladies with long silver hairs and amber tails were gathering as they also wanted the new, the dashing, the sparkling new shells. Nora queued on a small line, she wasn't very busty at her age. She began scanning for shells that fitted her perfectly. Roaming around blue shells, pink, lavender and even some that were dyed with seaweed.

She bit her lip and a smile curved on them. She picked the pink and seaweed green—they go best with her emerald eyes and long dark red hair, not to mention adding colour to her pale skin.

"Geroff!" A blonde haired girl screamed. A blowfish had gotten caught on her hair. He was big and brown with bulging black eyes. "I'm sorry miss!" He squeaked as he inflated, getting more tangled in her hair. "No. No. No. GEROFF!" She screamed.

Trying not to giggle, Nora breathed a few words under her breath and bubbles began to draw near the girl their popping sound making the blowfish nervous. He let out all the breath he was holding and with that he swam away leaving the girl's hair tangled. She pouted and looked at Nora. "Thanks." She mumbled, "I'm Anna." Said the blonde girl trying to fix her hair. "Nora." She smiled.


THE AFTERNOON, drew by and Nora had spent it with Anna. They had a lot in common. Both loved to watch videos of Chris Shellton, and sing to all his songs. They were also very girly and loved to do nail polish spells.

In a few hours they found out they've been going to the same high school—and never even saw each other.

Nora giggled as she took a sip of her caramel seaweed coffee. Her eyes were now set on a boy, he had sun kiss skin and raven hair with bright blue eyes. He was with a crowd of guys laughing and enjoying himself. She saw that his tail showed a demeanour and it was green. Her favourite colour.

He caught her gaze and she turned away quickly with her face scarlet. "He's cute." Anna said and waved. Anna sipped from her green cappuccino and looked at Nora.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow in school." Nora said as she was the deep blue coming down on the sea. Coral street lights were now being lit. "Alright, give me your sealine code." Nora did. "I'll send you a message, or call. I mean if that's okay."
"It is, sure." Nora smiles and began to swim.

The weather round her was getting cold, the lights dimmer.

She passed under a shadow and looked up. There was a small oval shaped thing in the surface.

Curious, she began to swim upwards, she had to know what it was.

Up there in the surface, a boy, with curly black hair and amber eyes was staring blankly at the water. He was muttering something, in a language Nora couldn't understand. He wasn't alone, he was accompanied by a small dragon.

Nora hid behind a rock, getting closer to her to see if she could hear something.

"Come on Ael, we have to find a way out. I don't want to marry heeer..." he looked into the dragon's big eyes. The dragon looked like it crossed its skinny arms, "No No No prince you cannot escape. She is the one you must marry."
"But I don't love her."
"What's love got to do with this?"
"Everything." His eyes moved and he saw Nora. Nora was staring back before she dived back and swam fast into the deep.

Who was that? She thought, why was he outside? She wanted to be outside too.

"Nora?" A husky voice came. She lost balance and her tail got tangled with weed. She looked up and there was her brother, tall muscular with red locks and emerald green eyes. "What do you want Adam?"
"Why were you in the surface?"
"None of your busishells!"
"Of course they are, you're my little sister. Remember I almost lost you!"

He was right, Nora remembered. Back when she was seven. She had gotten stuck.

"But I'm all grown now."
"Sixteen is not grown, you're still a child." She pouted with the comment. "I'm going to rest."

And she swam up to her room, which was a the top of the reef castle. She looked out the window, up into the surface wanting to know more about that girl with a split and strange tail.

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