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Pain and loneliness. That's all I felt here, in the forgotten and broken town called Silent Hill for more than fifty years. And yet, my appearance still is the same after the... incident. My name is (f/n) (l/n), and I'm the only residence left here. Well... that's not completely true. I still got some sort of family, although they aren't exactly human. They are nightmarish and grotesque for those unfortunate that come to this town, but they are normal for me. They protect me and take care of me, since I was always suffering in pain, I've grown used to it. Although there was one downside of all the pain, I can barely move.

Through telepathy, I called one of my nurses. Within minutes, a nurse arrived, her uniform dirty and covered in blood, her movement twitching like hell and her head wrapped a in dirty old bandage. She slowly reach one corner of the room and pull out a wheelchair, which was in fairly good condition, and she slowly unfold it and brought it to my side of the bed. She then reach to me and gently lifted me up, before up me down in the wheelchair. As soon as I made contact with the chair, the iron slowly started to rust and the leather to rot and break apart.

"Thank you, nurse," I said, but she made a grunting noise in respond.

"Do you mind handing me my book? Just in case we get some... unwanted visitors," I asked, and she nodded.

She walks towards the nightstand and brought the book to me and putted on my lap.

"Thank you again, nurse. We can go now," I said as she slowly started to push me towards the elevator.

As the elevator started moving upwards, it started to make all kind of rusty noises that echoed through the hole decaying building. It's a good thing that I stay in the basement, because it looks like that the building could collapse in any minute. The nurse finally pushed me outside, feeling the little sunlight that comes through the thick layer of fog that always surround this town, thanks to me.

"Thank you for bringing me out her, nurse. I'll call you once I want to get back inside again, okay?" I said to her, in which she nodded and started to wonder inside the hospital again with the rest of the nurses.

I closed my eyes and enjoy the cold wind passing me by. After a couple of minutes, I heard the sound of metal being dragged around, and I knew immediately who it was. I open my eyes to find Pyramid Head in the distance slowly walking towards me, and it seams that he had something in his hands.

"Greetings, Pyramid. I presume there hasn't been any unwanted visitors here, correct?" I asked, in which he shook his head.

"I'm glad to hear that. And I see you brought something?" I asked curiously.

He nodded and handed me what looks like a... magazine? Must've drifted here by the wind.

"Why did you brought to me?" I asked to Pyramid.

He opened the magazine and pointed me at a certain page.

"This week, we had an interview with Professor Ozpin, the director of Beacon, a school for Hunters and Huntresses in training. Ozpin, what would you say about this school?

Well... to begin with, all kinds of humans are accepted here. We all share one dream in common, to protect humanity from the darkness," I read out loud.

"Ehm... why did you brought me this, Pyramid?" I asked him.

He pointed at me, then to the page.

"You think I should join Beacon?" I asked him and he nodded.

"I don't want to burst your bubble, but... we are kind of monsters. You've heard how those idiotic souls called us when they tried to... take me away. I do appreciate the gesture, but that's how humanity will see us. As monsters," I said in my usual monotone voice I got for years now.

He looked down for a bit, but them nodded.

"Well... I'll be of going for a stroll for a bit. Or at least in this wheelchair," I said, using my power to gently push the wheelchair around on the broken streets.

-Beacon Academy-

"Do any of you have an idea why Ozpin called us?" asked Ruby to her teammates, along with team JNPR.

"I have no idea. But what ever it is, it must be important if they called us too," said Pyrrah.

"I'm betting that we need to get rid of some Grimm at some town or something along those lines," said Jaune.

"That's usually the case, but I don't that's it," said Ren.

"We'll find out soon enough," said Blake as the elevator doors opens at Ozpin office.

Ozpin was waiting behind his desk for the two groups to arrive. As the elevator door opened, he looked up from the documents that he was reading.

"Ah glad to see you all came here. Now, all of you are probably wondering why I called you here, right?" he asked, in which they all noded.

"Good, but I have a question for all of you as well," he said as everyone paid attention.

"How much do you know about a place called Silent Hill?"

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