Chapter 9 -Family-

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"T-thank you, (f/n)," Weiss finally managed to say, as I helped her stand up with my telekinesis.

"No problem, Weiss. Also, could you pull out the rapier? I think it's stuck on a rib," I asked.

She nodded, and started to pull it out. She eventually managed to pull it out. The rapier itself... wasn't in the best condition. It was heavily rusted at the blade and my blood that was on it was pure black.

"Let her go, you monster," said Ironwood.

I turn around to see that he was pointing the gun at me again. Not wanting to be shot at my head again, I used barbed wire to snatch the gun away from him. I then put the gun in my hand and watch as it started to rust away. After a couple of seconds, I dropped the gun to the ground, shattering into different pieces. This shocked everyone in the room.

"Are you done?" I asked to Ironwood, slowly getting annoyed.

"(F/n), calm down," said Ozpin.

I closed my eyes, and counted to ten in my head.

"Alright, I'm calm now," I said.

"Good to hear, (f/n). Anyway, here's your room key and your scroll," he said, putting both items in a plastic bag and handed it to me.

"Thank you, Ozpin," I said to him as I made my way to the elevator.

"No problem. Oh, your initiation will be tomorrow at eleven o'clock at Goodwitch's class," he said.

"Understood. See you tomorrow," I said as to him.

When I reached the elevator, I saw that Weiss followed me to it. The way down was silence at first, until she spoke.

"(F/n), thank you what you did back there," she said quietly.

"It was nothing, Weiss. Besides, I can only imagine what kind of trouble, Ironwood will be," I said to her, trying to face my wheelchair to her.

"What do you mean?" she asked, feeling a bit confused by what I meant.

"Winter, your sister, is probably going to tell your father, Jacque Schnee, what just happened in Ozpin's office. That is, unleass Ozpin or Ironwood says otherwise to her," I explained.

It's just then, I saw Weiss's face turn a bit white.

"Weiss? Are you alright?" I asked, feeling a bit worried.

"No, you dunce! If that happens, my father might pull me out of Beacon!" she said, starting to panic.

"Weiss, calm down and breath;" I said, trying to calm down.

She, took a couple of breaths and slowly calmed down.

"Better?" I asked to her.

"A bit, but that might still happen," she said.

"Weiss, I doubt that Ozpin will allow that. Besides, if that does happen, I'd probably, stop him from doing so," I said to her.

Silent and Broken Gems (RWBY x Silent Hill Reader) (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now