Chapter 1 -The Mission-

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"I believe I've read something about that town a while ago, something about a great disaster after they tried to cleanse someone, but it went completely wrong, killing everyone in the process," said Blake.

"I've heard something about that town a few years ago from my sister and General Ironwood. But if I remember correctly, the soldiers that went there never came out alive," said Weiss.

"And both of you aren't wrong. These are some of the footage that Atlas was able to retrieve over a decade ago," Ozpin said, showing a hologram projection of the footage.

The video was a P.O.V. of one of the soldier and two others the him in a desolate and ruined town. The sky was clouded and they weren't able to see much due to the thick layer of mist that was around them.

"Team Alpha is now approaching the hospital," said one of the soldiers as the hospital emerged from the mist.

When the soldiers stepped inside the hospital, a siren was heard outside.

"What the hell is that noise!?" asked one of the soldiers as the camera turns around to see what's happening outside.

The siren goes off again, and the little light that was around the town slowly turns into darkness.

"Hurry, let's go inside. God knows what we'll find out there," said another soldier as the camera turns back around.

The siren goes off one final time and literally everything went into darkness. Within seconds, the soldiers turned on their flashlights, but everything has changed. What once was dirty white walls has now turned into decayed rust and burned walls.

"What happened there? Weren't they in a hospital a minute ago?" asked Yang.

"That's the thing. They still are, the layout is the same," explained Ozpin.

"Wait, you're saying that that's still the lobby of the hospital?" asked Ren.

"Correct. When that siren goes off, it turns into a whole different world, look at this part," said Ozpin, pointing at the video.

In the footage, the sound of metal being dragged started to form.

"Do you hear that?" asked a soldier behind the camera.

"Yeah, I thing it comes from outside," said another soldier.

Suddenly, glass flew everywhere as the door got broken down. The soldiers turned around, only to find and giant man with a red metallic pyramid hat, and a gigantic sword. The soldier immediately started shooting at the human, but it seams to have no effect on him. He brought the sword to it's side and with one swing, all the soldier were cut in half and screaming in agony. Soon, the screaming came to an end, accompanied by the sound of walking, of some sort. The soldier slowly turns around and saw a nurse with her head wrapped up in bandage and she held a old rusted knife, the camera turned around and slowly started to crawl away. But it was futile. The nurses arm came in view of the camera and quickly slit the throat of the soldier, killing him instantly. The view of the camera was turned to view the entrance of the hospital, as walking can be heard in the background. Minutes later, the siren went off three times again, and the darkness slowly disappears.

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